Friday, April 24, 2009



all of you done great yesterday. Dont be too disappointed alright? It's just something that the judges dint know how to appreciate. Like what I said, maybe the judges dint like our way or our style of singing. Dont let them determine of what we are supposed to get. A Bronze? Nah. We're Gold with Honours. As long as we dont think we deserve just a bronze, to me, thats alright. Cos all of us know that we definitely deserve more than what we got now. Look, many schools dropped from a Silver to Bronze or even a Gold to Bronze. See, we aint that bad either right? Just that the panel of judges are more strict that those of past years. So, wipe of those tears of yours on your faces and always remember, we're not a Bronze.

Everyone cried hardcore when the results were announced yesterday. Erm, not me. Ya luh, somehow. First time I saw those people that I thought were very strong cry. This morning, Huiying, Esther, Dawn, Brenda etc. cried. Like dur, I'm not gonna cry cos that would make them cry even more. Than mr david asked me to ring the victory bell cos I looked the most normal and most tearless. Haha. I know that wasn't a very good time to laugh but yeah, sorry. The saddest day of all. Even mrs chee cried. Ya,than i told afiqah that I'm not gonna cry in front of everyone.

Speech day tmr. Have to report in school by 7. Urgh, gonna sleep early today.

P/S : Cheer up people (:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Darren (:

I was darn stressed these few days because of the presentation at NUS today. Staying back in school like everyday. Nevermind, I guess all of us did quite well in our presentation today. Even though you didn't bring your tie, Huiying. Haha. It wasn't really obvious to the judges after all, as in, to me. Cos we're all in our blazers. So, it's okay (:

Went to Vivo City with them after that. Made a bear at the build-a-bear workshop. Damn cool man. It's like the first time in my life doing that and it even has a birth cert luh. Like us. LOL. Than, there is this heart where we had to rub it against our tummy, ear, forehead and heart. To make sure that the person we're giving this bear to is always full, always listening to us, always smart and always has our love. Haha, we were laughing as we were doing that cos we thought it was kinda lame. Luckily there wasn't any other people around. BTW, this bear is for OH YONG HAO. See, how much we have invested in your present.

Good Friday's like damn boring. But, I had tons of homework to finish. So, I spent almost the whole of my day trying to finish my homework but I'm still left with chemistry. Urgh, kinda sick of chemistry stuff. But I still like chemistry (:

YES! I finally managed to make him stop liking me. He is seriously irritating man. Don't blame me. You asked me whether I liked you in the first place. Like dur, I would say NO.

Feeling pretty guilty towards Miss Lim. I guess she failed her practicum because of our class. But than she cannot control us what. Cannot even hear what she say. Wdv. At least we're listening to her now. She was like crying and sobbing in front of Wei Jie, Si Hui, Hei Wo and many other classmates, but not me. If she did that to me, I wouldn't know what to do man, seriously.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Shit, I haven't done the script for the presentation next week and I swear i wouldn't have time if I don't get the slides today. Urgh, I feel like killing myself.

Was watching the videos taken when we were young on friday night till 2am with cousin. Wow, can't believe I actually done such things when I was young. And, there was the K2 performance thingy. MY GOD, so funny. -.-"

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I'm going to study super hard for MYEs. Cos Mr David's rule to go to Melbourne during the september holidays is to get an average of 65% for the results, which is not easy and i seriously suck at some subjects like PHYSICS.

Esther's back is okay :D
take good care of yourself kay.

English lesson was fun. Partly, because miss Lim isn't here =p. Marco, Jarvis, Xin Liang and Jun Xian were chewing bubble gums in class, thanks to Si Hui, being the supplier. Than Miss Tham caught Jarvis and Xin Liang. She asked them to make a choice whether to swallow it or to spit it out in the dustpin. Jarvis tried swallowing it but he says 'very difficult' so he spit it out. But then Xin Liang swallowed it, which is one weird one. Urgh, can't stand him sometimes.

Scolded Glen right in front of his face yesterday. HE IS IRRITATING!!!!!! The worse thing is, he claims that he is going to be a redshirt, which i don't think so. Hello, if you're going to be a redshirt, than all of us wouldn't have any standard at all. In fact, I'd be embarrassed.

Si Hui spilled milk all over clive today, and she was laughing -.-" No one bothered about Yeuk Hang even though his hair got more milk than clive. Lol, sorry Yeuk Hang. Went to meet Mdm Norul to do our chemistry website after that. I have to do the script for the presentation at NUS next week!! OMG, wish me all the best man..

And, to YOU. You know what, you're seriously very irritating and annoying. I can't stand you when you take out your shoes, sit on the floor or just trying to be emo at the side of the classroom. Oh my god, that's just lame, you know. Can you like stop messaging me and stop all those weird stuff you're sending? YOU ARE ONE WEIRD WEIRDO.
I hadn't met anyone like you, really. Anyway, just stop whatever you're doing,look in the mirror, and do some self reflection. GET A LIFE, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!