Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hey guys.
im lyk blogging once again.
it's my blog.'s okay.
monday's fun.
there interhouse frisbee after school and guess what ?
not even a single soul came -.-"
i was lyk wth.
u signed up for it and none of u turned up.
nvm,we ended up playing the game ourselves with mr david and mr leong.
than walked home with my crazy bestfriend :D
we had some interesting encounters.
espcially the psyco uncle.
we were lyk laughing all the way..

tuesday's kinda slack ??
went to school with crazy bestfriend ;;
there some school ndp thing after school.
had fun (:
me,esther,brenda and dawn ended up playing netball instead.
haha !!
ouh ya,helen tan shouted at my class.
lyk LOL
and poor shuying's worksheet is crumpled.
hes lyk super innocent luhh !!!!
cos helen tan was teaching him about his summary and she just crumpled the worksheet and threw it on the floor.
me and dewey were beside her as i was sabo-ed by helen tan to write some paragraph on the board and i got dewey to help me.
i dont know why but she loves to sabo me.lyk wth -.-"
than yeah,she was kinda screaming and shouting at my ear and i turned my back to her.
cos i dont know why but i felt lyk laughing.
you know,i cnt let her see me laughing so yea,i just turned my back to her.
and dewey was lyk applauding in some happy mood.
haha ..

today was super slack man.
went to school once again with crazy bestfriend;;
1st period's dnt.
i had to do filing.
i dont lyk to do that but,dnt's fun :D
than it's eng.
helen tan look sick ??
guess shes sick bah.
so she had no energy to scream at us.
i sound EVIL
yao lao shi dint come.
and mr dominick came to our class.
we had worksheets by yao lao shi and mr dominick said that he had to lead by,he did the worksheet too.
bt there was 30 questions i think.
until ques 13,he gave up,cos he said that the worksheet was too difficult.
than it was music.
mr lim told us about this 5 yr old girl who died in an accident and this music tcr who was from our school whom passed away.
sad ehs.
so it was lyk a sad mucis lesn.
last lesn was cme.
i was lyk sleeping throughout the lesn.
until ashley came to wake me up and said that ms siti says not to sleep in class.
nvm,we were left with 10 mins anw.

after school.
walked with tana,florance,hei wo,dawn nn wuan ling to interchange.
was to walk home with florance at first.
bt in the end,i went to tm with hei wo and wuan ling.
so sorry crazy bestfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!
than we crapped at macdonalds.
basically,we talked alot.
haha ..
than wuan ling went home.
so me and hei wo took train back to pasir ris and walked home.
talked bout lots of things.
haha .

good news.
i finally knew how to solve the rubrics cube !!
credits to girlf and marco !!
thanks !!
haha !!


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