Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hey guys.
im lyk blogging once again.
it's my blog.'s okay.
monday's fun.
there interhouse frisbee after school and guess what ?
not even a single soul came -.-"
i was lyk wth.
u signed up for it and none of u turned up.
nvm,we ended up playing the game ourselves with mr david and mr leong.
than walked home with my crazy bestfriend :D
we had some interesting encounters.
espcially the psyco uncle.
we were lyk laughing all the way..

tuesday's kinda slack ??
went to school with crazy bestfriend ;;
there some school ndp thing after school.
had fun (:
me,esther,brenda and dawn ended up playing netball instead.
haha !!
ouh ya,helen tan shouted at my class.
lyk LOL
and poor shuying's worksheet is crumpled.
hes lyk super innocent luhh !!!!
cos helen tan was teaching him about his summary and she just crumpled the worksheet and threw it on the floor.
me and dewey were beside her as i was sabo-ed by helen tan to write some paragraph on the board and i got dewey to help me.
i dont know why but she loves to sabo me.lyk wth -.-"
than yeah,she was kinda screaming and shouting at my ear and i turned my back to her.
cos i dont know why but i felt lyk laughing.
you know,i cnt let her see me laughing so yea,i just turned my back to her.
and dewey was lyk applauding in some happy mood.
haha ..

today was super slack man.
went to school once again with crazy bestfriend;;
1st period's dnt.
i had to do filing.
i dont lyk to do that but,dnt's fun :D
than it's eng.
helen tan look sick ??
guess shes sick bah.
so she had no energy to scream at us.
i sound EVIL
yao lao shi dint come.
and mr dominick came to our class.
we had worksheets by yao lao shi and mr dominick said that he had to lead by,he did the worksheet too.
bt there was 30 questions i think.
until ques 13,he gave up,cos he said that the worksheet was too difficult.
than it was music.
mr lim told us about this 5 yr old girl who died in an accident and this music tcr who was from our school whom passed away.
sad ehs.
so it was lyk a sad mucis lesn.
last lesn was cme.
i was lyk sleeping throughout the lesn.
until ashley came to wake me up and said that ms siti says not to sleep in class.
nvm,we were left with 10 mins anw.

after school.
walked with tana,florance,hei wo,dawn nn wuan ling to interchange.
was to walk home with florance at first.
bt in the end,i went to tm with hei wo and wuan ling.
so sorry crazy bestfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!
than we crapped at macdonalds.
basically,we talked alot.
haha ..
than wuan ling went home.
so me and hei wo took train back to pasir ris and walked home.
talked bout lots of things.
haha .

good news.
i finally knew how to solve the rubrics cube !!
credits to girlf and marco !!
thanks !!
haha !!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

hii ppl.
i blogging once again.
cos im seriously BORED !!!!!

tdy's kinda fun.
i was lyk screaming my lungs out ??

kaster's not in school again.
shes got HFMD
sad uhs. get well soon !! miss ya !!
guess what.
the school want to disinfect our classroom.
it's lyk hello , there isn't a need to do this right ??'s getting more and more bored for me.i seriously miss sec 1 life.
where we dont do hw,and hang out every single day after school.
isn't it fun ??
but yea,sec 2 now and have to concentrate on studies.

tdy's school.
1st period was physics.
i dint do my hw.
but miss ng dint collect.
so,i was kinda lucky luhh.
than it was eng.
that helen tan gave us a test and she was super noisy.
she was busy explaining what's czar while no1 cares about her.
dont she know that shes disturbing us ??
this is a test you quiet and shut up.lyk dur~..this is what ure supposed to do .


geog was boring ??
luckily zihui came to entertain me.
in a violent way -.-"
she had fun hitting my hand and my leg with the flexible ruler.
i sound retarded.
well,at least it's fun.

had test.
and i dint do my bio hw too =p
bt ms chan dint collect the hw as well.
she just went through the answers.
about the test,guess i gna fail it.i have no idea what to write but at least i did write , crap .

cme was super slack.
went to com lab 2 to do this survey.
i gave quite a lot of negative answers luhh.
haha ..
but it's true.
and it was said that it was advised to answer HONESTLY.
so i answer honestly lorh ..
than when we finished the survey,ms siti said that we can do anything we want.
cool luh !!
love her man.


had maths test.
kay luhh.
not that difficult after all.
than crapped with zihui than end of lesson.

than i went home.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


some long ago photo ..
haha ..

it says day 3 on the school timetable.
and it's the boring-est day of my life man.
1st period's physics.
had physics test.
guess i gonna fail it
than it's stars.
it's lyk okay luhh.
we're supposed to do survey questions for our project.
but in the end,we went surfing other ppl's blogs instead.
haha ..
than it was mt.
miss jow let us watch this cartoon which is kinda lame.
but it brightened me up and at least,kept me awake
haha ..
i was going to sleep by then.
than it was eng.
helen tan made us do survey reports on our stars project.
we dint know what to write.
and most importantly,we havent even do our stars survey questions and so how we question others??
so basically,we wrote crap.
than it was maths.
it was a kinda crazy period.
we were all laughing lyk some mad ppl
than chem.
i got 27/30 for my test !!
at the very least,i won dewey sim wei chun.
haha ..
than went home........

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Photobucket Photobucket

hiie ppl (:
im kinda exploring my photobucket ..
dint use for a long long time man ..
haha ..
sunday was a terrible night man.
i waited for the timetable till seriously freaking late but guess what ??
i saw this :

Dear students

the new time table is not ready yet. It will be ready later tonight. Please check the MLG later if you can.

i was lyk what the hell ??
so i decided not to wait and just went to bed .
haha ..

today was kinda fun man.
1st 2 periods were dnt and we did practical.
dnt was fun with mr ng !!
haha !!
than recess..
was kinda boring..
miss jow was telling us how she trusted doremon more than her dad when she was young.
i was lyk DIAO -.-"
than it was eng.
helen tan called me out once we greeted her.
scared me man.
i thought what happen.
guess what she said ??
she said,"ariel,can you present about your stars project ??"
than i told her that this is an eng class,not stars.
she was lyk diao me can !!
freaking angry luhh.
than she came so close to me that i laughed lyk hell..
cos of her face,no offence,but ya..u know what ..
than it was bio.
kay luhh.
just recapping what we did for the past few lessons on sexual reproduction.
than end school.
no choir.
so went to tm with huiying and esther.
we had a hard time deciding what to eat.
we ate yoshinoya in the end anw.
than we went to the library.
than went home

ps.i spent ALOT of money today !!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

hiie !!!
blogging again ..

ndp was lyk fun.
kinda cool when the rain sort of helped us.
as in,when we weren't on stage,it dint rain.
when we're nt on stage,it started to rain.
except for grand finale D:

ermm,we had to report lyk 1 hr earlier
cos,i dont know why,i dont see anything wrong !!
weather was nt good.
and we had to wear that stupid poncho which was MADE IN CHINA
it tears easily
and amanda says im to rough !!
hello , IM NOT !!!
okay .. i suck in that poncho and i guess i looked weird.
than the primary school ppl looked at us lyk 'hu r u??'
moved to the backstage.
went hyper with atiqah,masuri,amanda from greenview,amanda frm coral,huiying and tingyin
i have no idea what we are doing but i only know that im singing lyk some madwoman.
sorry if i hurt ure ears.
haha ..
than went on stage ..
performed,came down,went up for grand finale.
super hyper.
i was lyk screaming lyk mad.
thanks to huiying.
but it was raining.
so we were kinda wet.
especially the star thing and the disc.
than we had to go backstage again,for i dont know why.
than atiqah,masuri,the 2 amandas and me went ard creating cheers for all the marshalls.
but after a while,i was tired,so yea,i just watched them.
haha ..
funny siol.
i dint know the marshalls got so many nicknames.
lyk kangaroo,lemon head and many many more.

than i reached home at 11 plus.

mum went for shaperun.

Friday, July 18, 2008

thy 201th post ..

im posting cos of florance ..
cos she says my blog is dead..
so im currently showing her that my blog AINT DEAD !!!!!
haha ..

ermm ..
everything ended on 160708 ..
i cant say anything bt just sorry .
i dont know why everything turned out this way bt yeah,it just has to.

ermm .. sec 2 redshirts ..
inter house games turned out quite well,so round of applause for everyone (:
and dont be too pissed okay ??
cheer up !!!!

eudora's not in school.
shes sick D:

school was kinda great this few days.
had piano lesson ystd.
kinda pissed piano tcr off ystd =p
cos i dint go for piano lesn for 3 weeks and i guess i lost my theory book =p
and hello , i dint go for piano lesn cos i gt a valid reason okay ..
im super busy !!!!

school was okay today,not too bad.
first lesn was eng,and i was seriously dead.
i was killed terribly
next was chi.
half dead..
florance had recess with us..
no wonder so noisy =p
she's still as violent
haha ..
had geog test.
guess im gonna fail it man.
assembly,i was bored stiff.
first time in my life i was looking at my watch during assembly.
cos i hate stars.

after school.
there aint choir today.
bt gna help mrs chee with newspaper collection.
i mistook some1 for mrs chee.
to that some1,sorry !!!!
i realised something today.
each time i sing think of me,i would trip and fall.
so many times that dawn made a song for me,it goes lyk this :

think of her , think of her fondly , when she trips and fall .. (trips and fall)
remember her , every so often , promise her she'll fall ..

this sounds abit weird , but , yeahh , it sounds kinda interesting ..
haha ..
than we made mrs chee treat us macs.
so me,dawn,amanda,tingyin,angelica and eunice went to macs at downtown.
cos we dont wanna take the risk to have macs at ws ..
haha ..
every1 went of at 2 plus ,
left me and dawn.
so we chat till 3 and we walked back home.
walk okay ..
than when i reached home,i realised theres no1 at home and the thing is,
thats the worst thing in the world.

LOL ...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

hiie (:

CRESCENDO is finally over !!!
ermm,it dint turn out to be as tough we thought it would be.
it's kinda fun,running around jubilee hall or RAFFLES HOTEL

thursday was crescendo's rehearsal.
we were released at 1.35
thought could miss miss kang's lesn.
but in the end,no.
well,the good thing is,miss kang aint here !!
haha !!
me nn dawn were annalysing her phone's camera uses.
super funny
as in,the pictures were super funny.
haha !!
rehearsal was okay
except that we had to wear that gown
seriously dont lyk the feeling of wearing that
but what to do ??
no choice
hehs :D
choir dint sing as well
so,ms chan wasn realli happy with us.
anw,i reached home at lyk 9

got this serious problem of not feeling lyk waking up in the morning
bt was kinda excited when i thought that the first period is pe than i cn go off for crescendo !!
haha !!
so we all assembled at the auditorium,mrs aziz briefed us,went for recess,and we went off.
i was lyk some mad woman laughing lyk hell in the bus,i dont noe why ??
than we reached jubilee hall.
changed into gown,pt on makeup
than crescendo started.
everyone was realli excited on putting up a good show ehs.
it wasn't realli scary luhhs.
just that i was lyk shaking.
i dont know why.
than in the bus when we were going home
me,huiying,brenda,dawn nn esther yap sat at the back row
than huiying said that she wanted to change.
i thought she was kidding at first.
bt than she realli changed
and she got this serious problem of putting on her uniform
so,we all started to change
the funny thing is,my uniform kinda split cos i used too much strength.
and brenda said it was fun
haha ..
anw,i reached home at bout 11.30
bathed ,than dad showed me the design of our new house AND my room !!
gosh,it's lyk cool man.
haha !!

there's ndp later.
i dont know why,but i kinda lyk ndp rehearsals now.
haha ..

Sunday, July 06, 2008 again.
hu else could it be ?

ystd's ndp was super cool man.the costume aint that bad anymore.
and i cant believe that i actualli took a bus in that costume !!
everyone's looking at me lyk 'what the hell are you doing ?'
nvm.i was too tired to care then.

went to meet dawn nn sihui at cavana to have lunch
i was late .
paiseh !!
not hungry, so jus bought snacks.
dawn says that every saturday is 'good food day' is.
haha ..
went to ntuc to buy snacks cos we all know that dinner's at 3.30

reached school lyk kinda early.
so i was lyk playing the piano at the foyer.
sorry if i hurt ure ears =p
i got nth better to do anw.
than jin hao came.he's the ns man.i just got to know his name.
board the bus at bout 1.
than we went off.
every1's lyk excited cos it's our first time performing to 27,000 ppl nn in that costume.
kinda cool.
anw,we all changed place.
im lyk right in front with amanda nn joee.
kinda stressful.
cos theres no1 to follow.
heh heh =p

than me nn amanda just went high nn started to 'bully' potato.
after the parade ended,we started to learn the dancesteps of the grand fnale.
we cant see that person teaching,so we just sat there lyk nobody's business.
instead,we went to lyk call some guy's name in front of us.
he got this class tee,i think,his name is songBO
than me,amanda,joee,afiqah nn fatin started to call songbo !! songbo !!
bt he ignored us -.-"

ouh ya,theres this 2 ncc girls in the parade kinda lyk fainted bt no1 cared.
so they have to stand up and run back again.
me nn joee were lyk ,'they so poor thing eh'
anw,we just kept lokking at them.
cos we got nth to do.

ystd ended later than usual nn we got that small bus again.
please luhh.
that bus is lyk some bird cage.
cant you just gt a bigger wan ?? !!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

oh hi (:
im blogging like i dont know hw long
heh =p

last week's ndp rehearsal was super fun
especially grand finale
i swayed lyk some monkey (?)
well,esther yap made me do that.
haha ..
it's kinda funny
than we did coral cheer !!!
the camera was lyk kp shooting me cos im leading in the cheer
bt we were lyk dont care luhh
than me and sihui made this okay action which is lyk weird ??
tze mei totally went crazy
she was lyk singing all the way
i dont know what shes doing anw.
than we made this video about huiying getting the best actress award.
super funny
maybe the video is not that funny but the process is
we had fun anw

ystd's crescendo rehearsal
kinda great as we get to go off at 12. (:
but sitting there and doin nth is kinda boring
me and sihui went in and out of the backstage lyk dont know how many times
than the ppl working there look at us lyk "how many times do you want to walk in and out?"
paiseh =p
than me,dawn nn sihui had this toilet adventure that was super funny

1.sihui opened the door and was lyk WAH
2.i told her to close the door
3.i then opened the door again than we said WAH together.
4.the first thing sihui went into the toilet to do is :
she went into the cubical and said : this wan can flush leh !!

me and dawn were lyk -.-"
there are still many funny things.
jus that too much to say

than on our way back
we shared the same bus as cg
errrrr ... the cg is kinda quiet ??
to the cg ppl in the bus :

sorry if i disturbed you
dint mean it.
choir is like that anw.
sorry =p

seriously,i feel weird,
btw,we stood in the bus cos theres no more seats left.
well,it's still kinda cool.