Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Photobucket Photobucket

hiie ppl (:
im kinda exploring my photobucket ..
dint use for a long long time man ..
haha ..
sunday was a terrible night man.
i waited for the timetable till seriously freaking late but guess what ??
i saw this :

Dear students

the new time table is not ready yet. It will be ready later tonight. Please check the MLG later if you can.

i was lyk what the hell ??
so i decided not to wait and just went to bed .
haha ..

today was kinda fun man.
1st 2 periods were dnt and we did practical.
dnt was fun with mr ng !!
haha !!
than recess..
was kinda boring..
miss jow was telling us how she trusted doremon more than her dad when she was young.
i was lyk DIAO -.-"
than it was eng.
helen tan called me out once we greeted her.
scared me man.
i thought what happen.
guess what she said ??
she said,"ariel,can you present about your stars project ??"
than i told her that this is an eng class,not stars.
she was lyk diao me can !!
freaking angry luhh.
than she came so close to me that i laughed lyk hell..
cos of her face,no offence,but ya..u know what ..
than it was bio.
kay luhh.
just recapping what we did for the past few lessons on sexual reproduction.
than end school.
no choir.
so went to tm with huiying and esther.
we had a hard time deciding what to eat.
we ate yoshinoya in the end anw.
than we went to the library.
than went home

ps.i spent ALOT of money today !!!!!!!!!!


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