Monday, June 16, 2008

heyy guys (:
was tagged by esther to do this !!

1.Have you ever loved someone ?
-yea,of course :D

2.Who is more important to you ? friends or bf ?
-friends bahh ..

3.Who are the people you trust the most ?
-my closest people

4.Do you think you have enough confidence ?
-ermm .. sometimes ..

5.What do you think of yourself ?
-A tiny winy dot on earth. haha ..

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain ?
-Dur .. it's lyk kinda true .. i've seen it before

7.What is your goal for this year ?
-play hard , work hard

8.Do you believe in forever love ?
-yupp . i do love my family forever -.-"

9.What feeling do you love the most ?

10.What are the requirements of your the other half ?
-must love me more than i love him =p

11.List the best moments of your life .
-one five life <3 the moment of no troubles and no studies

12.What do you want the most ?
-that fuckass slut to get out of my family , my life , my dad

13.Between love and money ?
-LOVE.cos without love ,what for you have money ? theres no one to share the joy with.

14.What's the most attractive thing about a person to you ?
-same as esther . personality .

15.Describe the person who tagged you using 5 words .
it's felicia . shes great .

16.If your crush is attached , what would you do ?
-forget him .

17.If you have one wish now , what would you wish for ?
-i want that fuckass slut to die .

18.What do you want most for your birthday ?
-A party which every single of my friend would turn up . hope it would be more than 200 people =p

19.What did you do yesterday that gave you a super deep impression ?
-i cried cos i lost a tennis match . and that match is just for training -.-"

20.Do you believe in love at first sight ?
-yupp .

Instructions :
Remove 1 question from above and add in yor personal question.
Make a total of 20 question and tag 8 people.
List them out at the end of your post.
Notify them in your cbox !!
Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all the lucky 8 !!

ermm .. can i dont tag ??
cos .. errrrr .. i dont have the time to think .
i got gym training later !!
haha !!


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