Wednesday, May 07, 2008


today's literature nn history.
literature's kinda weird.
they made us kp the question paper instead of collecting it back (?)
i dont know why the hell they arranged this 2 paper together.
make me study lyk hell..
everyone's gonna apply muscle cream on their fingers tonight.
cos if u dont do that,u gonna have muscle ache tmr and u would nt be able to write.
heh heh :D
no luhh.
just implying that my hands are super tired after writting.
thats why i dint lyk this 2 papers. -.-"

dint have the chance to sleep today..
cos i finished the paper RIGHT ON TIME.
super tired.
huiying is worse.
haha XD
she totalli slept standing after the literature paper and i dint see her.
actualli i did luhh.
just dint realise that it's her. =p

went tm again for lunch with eudora,wuan ling nn rong fu.
he always goes there with us.
and i found out that he is being suspended from school because he shaved his hair botak nn mr david says that he only can come bck to school after his hair is 1 cm long.
too long oso suspended,too short oso suspended.
suay luhh.
bt seriously luhh,he realli look lyk a monk like that.
no offence =p

than we went to the food court to eat.
he told us what he did during the december holidays nn what he planned to do during the coming holidays
im nt gonna tell.
cos im gna do it too!!
it'll be super fun.
than eudora went to popular to buy some present for _________.
than rong fu told me hw zheng zhong spell my name.
stupid luhh.
he spelt it as area instead of ariel.
than zheng zhong called hm.
rong fu told hm that i want to hit hm.
so he asked rong fu to let me answer the phone.
im very forgiving okay.
i forgived hm.

so many things are reminding me of yishun sec man.
fucking lameshit.
bunch of freaking bastards.
seriously suck nn they live in my ass.
they gonna live at the bottom of me..
just hate them..


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