Monday, May 05, 2008

MYEs started.
and im slacking.

today's eng paper 2 nn chi paper 2.
eng was lyk okay luhh.
thts what i always say.
and it's the first time that i think eng is that slightest easier than chi.
chi is seriously hard man.
and we were sayin that yao lao shi just came out frm the mental hospital and her sickness gt much worse.
guess i gonna fail my chi for the first time.
plus it's also my longest record of doing the chi paper.
usualli finishes it in half an hr.
bt today,i finished it in 1 hr and 25 mins out of 1 hr and 30 mins.
pretty sure many ppl dint finish.

after school.
there actualli is lit i dint go.
cos it's lyk .... okay.i just dont wanna go.
so.went to tm with huiying,eudora,wuan ling once again.
than rong fu came to join us and we went for lunch.
i almost fell down okay.
and stop laughing.
after that eudora and wuan ling went for their tuition and i found out that huiying acutally dint know that they have tuition together.
than me,huiying nn rong fu went to play swing.
haha XD
dint realli play luhh.
cos i dont know why bt will feel giddy when i swing there.
ouh ya,we went to the swing near eudora's house.
and it's super duper short.
ya.than we went home.
gna study for hme econs nn maths.
tmr's the paper.......


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