Tuesday, June 24, 2008

blogging after i dont know how long ..
paiseh ehs =p

school started once again .
holiday mood's not over.
still wanting to play !!
cos i was super busy during the holiday.
rushing for camps,choir,remedial lessons,gym trainings and tennis.
dint realli have the chance to go out with friends and enjoy my holiday :(
but nvm .. everyone study hard for streamings,get good results and we shall go out during the december holidays yeahh !!

ndp rehearsals.
im standing with huiying,esther nn batrysha.with dawn,sihui nn yuqian behind us.
cool man !!
well,the rehearsals are fun but tough.
as in long timings

im in sop 1 now !!
thought my voice was kinda low.

tdy's dnt was kinda fun ..
mr ng started to talk about euro cup i dont know why ..
it's lyk -.-"
starting to study hard.
errrr .. at least im trying to =p
ouh ya.
miss yeh
she wore that thing again .
me nn zhiyu were lyk EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

lookinh forward to crescando.
all performers work hard nn give ure best during the concert alrytes !!

Monday, June 16, 2008

heyy guys (:
was tagged by esther to do this !!

1.Have you ever loved someone ?
-yea,of course :D

2.Who is more important to you ? friends or bf ?
-friends bahh ..

3.Who are the people you trust the most ?
-my closest people

4.Do you think you have enough confidence ?
-ermm .. sometimes ..

5.What do you think of yourself ?
-A tiny winy dot on earth. haha ..

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain ?
-Dur .. it's lyk kinda true .. i've seen it before

7.What is your goal for this year ?
-play hard , work hard

8.Do you believe in forever love ?
-yupp . i do love my family forever -.-"

9.What feeling do you love the most ?

10.What are the requirements of your the other half ?
-must love me more than i love him =p

11.List the best moments of your life .
-one five life <3 the moment of no troubles and no studies

12.What do you want the most ?
-that fuckass slut to get out of my family , my life , my dad

13.Between love and money ?
-LOVE.cos without love ,what for you have money ? theres no one to share the joy with.

14.What's the most attractive thing about a person to you ?
-same as esther . personality .

15.Describe the person who tagged you using 5 words .
it's felicia . shes great .

16.If your crush is attached , what would you do ?
-forget him .

17.If you have one wish now , what would you wish for ?
-i want that fuckass slut to die .

18.What do you want most for your birthday ?
-A party which every single of my friend would turn up . hope it would be more than 200 people =p

19.What did you do yesterday that gave you a super deep impression ?
-i cried cos i lost a tennis match . and that match is just for training -.-"

20.Do you believe in love at first sight ?
-yupp .

Instructions :
Remove 1 question from above and add in yor personal question.
Make a total of 20 question and tag 8 people.
List them out at the end of your post.
Notify them in your cbox !!
Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all the lucky 8 !!

ermm .. can i dont tag ??
cos .. errrrr .. i dont have the time to think .
i got gym training later !!
haha !!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

this blog's not dead.
haha ..

ermm .
many things happened in this holiday.
both happiness nn sadness.
well,let's be optimistic huh.
though things turned out sad , but , maybe it's supposed to be this way nn let it go.
no use hanging onto it right ??
jus let go nn let it past.
many good things are ahead.
grab it !!

im just writting crap
i seriously dont know what to write.
i spent this june holiday studying every single subject.
-.-" just bored.
quarelled with my dad not long ago.
what's wrong with u ??
u're not fit to critisize me.
u got some fuckass slut outside.
who's just trying to get close to me.
trying to join my training every single sunday.
that fuckass slut is just interfering my life and my training
just fuck off man.
u're not supposed to be in my life and my family.
even if u're in my family , i swear i wont give you a day of peace.
plus , i swear u'll kill yourself.
dont try to get my dad to help.
i think he'll help ??
fuck man.
i carry the heavier weight than you.
so , do u think he'll help you ??
no !!

ignore that.
tmr's two one outing.
looking forward to that.
well,dad gave me hundred dollars.
he's just guilty.
he dont know why im angry at him.
he dont even know that i know about that.
bye ppl (: