Wednesday, May 28, 2008

blog dead...

im finally back from red shirts camp.
tough time man.
but no1 quitted throughout this camp..

saturday nn sunday.
had to do some charity thingy with huiying nn li ling.
fun man!!!
super cool.
we were lyk slacking all the way.
and we kept eating cos we were at the deck
li ling ate super slowly nn crapped about funny things..
than on sunday night i told huiying that the other campers going for sltc must be having a tough time now

went to fetch huiying and went off to changi village to have breakfast.
than set off to pulau ubin for sltc.
had orienteering around ubin.
well,at least every1 persevered.
had solo night at ubin.
scary okay.
they kinda dump us in some remote place.
florance was super funny.
6-7 dogs surrounded her tent and she told me that she was scared stiff.
and she is still enjoying herself in the tent.
i dont know how,but she did.
if it was marco,he would have killed himself
hwee sze was known as the monster.
cos she slept in her tent without any poles.
as in the tent set wasnt complete nn it dint have any poles.
so she just crept inside the tent nn slept like that the whole night.
anyway,the camp was just lyk not anyone could persevere this camp.
it seriously needs alot of mental nn physical.
it not,u would have gone home in the middle of the camp.
i cried lyk dont know how many times in this camp...
well,almost every1 cried luhh.
including the boys.
at least every1 learnt and experienced lots of things that not just anyone could.
and of course,team power.
so,to all sec 2 redshirts :
welcome to the redshirt family and we all work as 1!!!

than after the camp.
went to have lunch with redshirt seniors together with syafiqah,amirah,yani,darence,marco,florance nn hei wo.
super funny siol.
i was lyk laughin all the way that florance said i ate so slow.
nn to florance,sori,i spilled ure drink.
than went home with marco nn florance after that.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

im blogging again after 458239485092374 years.
because of sec 2 camp , some other things to be busy on..

monday was vesak day.
so went out with family than at bout 1 plus went to meet lesbo to do some red shirt camp thingy..

super tiring.
had to carry 3 bloody 'filled with water' 1.5 litres bottle to school.
cos we were goin to pulau ubin.
and we had to live with what we have.
went to pasir ris park.
we had to kayak from pasir ris to pulau ubin anw
so we had to carry the kayaks out.
at about 12.30, everything was done and had lunch.
finished lunch and continued with the expedition.
my partner was afiq.
so we started at bout 1.30.
super tiring.
we were all kayaking for 4 hours non stop.
good work guys (:
reached there at 5.30.
had to pitch up tents,cook our own dinner.
after that everyone powdered bathed but red shirts have to meet mr lee,mr david,mr leong nn miss kang.
we did lots of things that made us super tired.
than went to powder bathe than slept.
wuan ling kept kicking me in the tent.

breakfast .
we had to finish everything.
including the peanut butter and jam.
started to kayak back to s'pore at about 10.
ouh ya,we camped at kampong mamam.
we started early cos at the afternoon,there'll be waves.
bt there is still haevy waves opposing us -.-"
so we had to kayak to kampong cek jawa.
we took 1 hr *claps*
journey was super tough.
than we went kayaked to frog island.
than instrutor sky checked if the chanel is clear for us to pass through.
started to kayak back to pasir ris park after that.
this time was faster.
we reached at 1.30.
but journey was TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH.
i dint stop at all.
afiq was super discouraging.
but nvm,he is realli tired.
but he was lyk 'fuck man,still got how long.fuck fuck fuck fuck' all the way.
dint realli care bout him.
just continued kayaking.
than had lunch,washed all the kayaks,paddles,PVDs.
dismissed at 4.30
quite fast huh.
cos everyone was tired nn running about trying to finish this as fast as we could.
than mr david called for redshirts nn talked bout the redshirt camp.
than me,huiying,florance nn esther poh went to take 403 together.
bought bubble tea.
my god!!!
i miss my bubble tea!!!
than rong fu asked to meet me nn huiying.
so waited for hm at interchange nn went home together.

went for ndp rehearsals.
fun man!!!!
the bus is super comfortable can.
super NOT budget.
dance dance dance dance
lunch was pizzahut as per normal.
heh heh :D
than ended at 4.
next practice is 18 june
waitin for that day!!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

hellos peepos!!
ikm back after not posting for so long.
paiseh ehs.

this week's school super slack.
fareda dint come.
so we dint gt our lit paper back yt.


biology-16/40 [I FAILED!!!]
home econs-62/100

terrible results ehs..
dint even have 1 A.

had this overnight trip ystd.
super tiring.
though it could be quite fun.
huiying was super hyper i dont know why.
shirley nn zihui's battery gone flat
yong hao still look normal
helen tan was okay.
ms mathani was okay.
ms shahirah was okay.
mdm fazila was okay.
and miss yong is super duper awake.

1st station was s'pore boat cruise.
quite fun luh.
huiying nn shirley kept disiao-ing miss yong than miss yong asked them to stay 5 metres away from her.
so funny

2nd station was chinatown.
huiying took out the chips that zihui bought.
asked miss yong if she wanted any.
she said no bcos she will feel very thirsty after eating
guess what.
she took the whole packet for herself -.-"

3rd station was little india.
sia luhh
there's nth at all to buy at mostafa.
so me,huiying,zihui,shirley nn yongjie ended up in the seven eleven nearby eating cup noodles to kp ourselves awake.

4th station was jurong fish port.
super smelly sia.
and the most pathetic thing is that some freaking uncle knew that there was a puddle of 'disgusting' nn 'some fish had been soaked in it' before.
so it was super dirty.
the uncle knew i was there.
he just stepped on the water lyk some giant and the water just seriously splashed onto my LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!
than there was another time where another uncle was pushing some cart of fish.
the water was so full that it spilled onto suan li nn my leg again!!!
we were shouting lyk hell.
well,the main aim we were there is to pei the tcrs while they go marketing -.-"
helen tan bought lyk freaking loads of fish.
that cn last her for the rest of the yr.

4th station was supper
roti prata plus ice milo
sounds nice ehs.
bt it dosent have any standard at all.

5th station was pasir panjang wholesale market where it sells vegetables.
at least it aint as smelly as the fish thingy.

6th station was mt faber.
huiying enjoyed that place most.
cos she sat at the peak of the hill and looked down.
she says that beautiful.
i was too tired by than.

last was pasir ris park -.-"
helen tan wanted us to see mangrove swamps.
bt oh pls,
it's 5 in the morning.
what cn we see????

we alighted at pasir ris mrt station.
than i came hme to slp.
till 1.30.

Friday, May 09, 2008

exams finally ended.
and my class was cheerin when mr sofyan said that we could be released after the art paper.
super duper happy!!!!!!!!!

my maths' gonna die.
i dont even know hw to do 1 ques!
sure die..

went to pasir ris park with rong fu,esther yap,brenda,dawn,wuan ling nn huiying after that.
bt dawn nn wuan ling went hme early after that.
me nn huiying were super hyper.
nn we created a new cheer.
damn nice =p
than we went hme at bout 4.30
waited for the bus for super long..
nn reached hme ar 5 plus..

bout the performance.
yamaha's sponsoring a grand piano for me!!!
bt scared that i will spoil it.
heh heh =p

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


today's literature nn history.
literature's kinda weird.
they made us kp the question paper instead of collecting it back (?)
i dont know why the hell they arranged this 2 paper together.
make me study lyk hell..
everyone's gonna apply muscle cream on their fingers tonight.
cos if u dont do that,u gonna have muscle ache tmr and u would nt be able to write.
heh heh :D
no luhh.
just implying that my hands are super tired after writting.
thats why i dint lyk this 2 papers. -.-"

dint have the chance to sleep today..
cos i finished the paper RIGHT ON TIME.
super tired.
huiying is worse.
haha XD
she totalli slept standing after the literature paper and i dint see her.
actualli i did luhh.
just dint realise that it's her. =p

went tm again for lunch with eudora,wuan ling nn rong fu.
he always goes there with us.
and i found out that he is being suspended from school because he shaved his hair botak nn mr david says that he only can come bck to school after his hair is 1 cm long.
too long oso suspended,too short oso suspended.
suay luhh.
bt seriously luhh,he realli look lyk a monk like that.
no offence =p

than we went to the food court to eat.
he told us what he did during the december holidays nn what he planned to do during the coming holidays
im nt gonna tell.
cos im gna do it too!!
it'll be super fun.
than eudora went to popular to buy some present for _________.
than rong fu told me hw zheng zhong spell my name.
stupid luhh.
he spelt it as area instead of ariel.
than zheng zhong called hm.
rong fu told hm that i want to hit hm.
so he asked rong fu to let me answer the phone.
im very forgiving okay.
i forgived hm.

so many things are reminding me of yishun sec man.
fucking lameshit.
bunch of freaking bastards.
seriously suck nn they live in my ass.
they gonna live at the bottom of me..
just hate them..

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


2dae's hme econs nn maths paper 1.
i gna die under the hands of these two papers.
super duper hard cn.....

after school.
went to tm for lunch.
than rong fu came.
than dawn nn wuan ling went hme.
than we went to the townpark.
than it rained.
than we had to run frm the townpark to ehub in the rain
than we met hamtaro.
than i was super wet.
than everyone's wet.
than i was super cold.
than rong fu went to cut botak nn me nn huiying went with hm
than esther yap came too bcos she wanna see.
than i kp laughing.
than they kp laughin -.-"
than huiying went off with esther yap to gt her lit ws.
than rong fu went hme to study.
than i went hme..

so many thans.
buh bye(:

Monday, May 05, 2008

MYEs started.
and im slacking.

today's eng paper 2 nn chi paper 2.
eng was lyk okay luhh.
thts what i always say.
and it's the first time that i think eng is that slightest easier than chi.
chi is seriously hard man.
and we were sayin that yao lao shi just came out frm the mental hospital and her sickness gt much worse.
guess i gonna fail my chi for the first time.
plus it's also my longest record of doing the chi paper.
usualli finishes it in half an hr.
bt today,i finished it in 1 hr and 25 mins out of 1 hr and 30 mins.
pretty sure many ppl dint finish.

after school.
there actualli is lit i dint go.
cos it's lyk .... okay.i just dont wanna go.
so.went to tm with huiying,eudora,wuan ling once again.
than rong fu came to join us and we went for lunch.
i almost fell down okay.
and stop laughing.
after that eudora and wuan ling went for their tuition and i found out that huiying acutally dint know that they have tuition together.
than me,huiying nn rong fu went to play swing.
haha XD
dint realli play luhh.
cos i dont know why bt will feel giddy when i swing there.
ouh ya,we went to the swing near eudora's house.
and it's super duper short.
ya.than we went home.
gna study for hme econs nn maths.
tmr's the paper.......

Sunday, May 04, 2008

sunday always passes by realli fast than monday.
which means school.
and i have to see helen tan.

kay.the wedding dinner was lyk OKAY.
yea,my shanghai buddy,uncle benny.
there's this screen there that pt pictures of him and his wife.
and the disgusting picture that i took with him was on screen.
erm.the picture was lyj we pt some vegetables hanging around our mouth.
and it look realli gross.
bt seriously funny.
he jus sensored me away.
that the good thing.
i dont want to see ppl lookin at me with some weird expression.

i finally finished reading MARTYN PIG.
that book is fooking borin man.
i wouldn read that in my life if not for literature.
i would much prefer SING TO THE DAWN.
it's so much better.

exam's startin tmr.
just a 5 day exam.
cos they actually compressed everything into 5 days.
and the papers are lyk in a weird order.
hme econs and maths paper 1
physics,bio,chem and listening compre
art and maths paper 2
history and literature.
i dno hw the hell im gna study.

everyone study hard and good luck for ure MYEs!! :D

Saturday, May 03, 2008

saturday once again.
i hate saturdays.
it sucks.

i was weird today.
i thought it was alrdy 9 plus when i woke up when it was only 7.30
no choice bt to wake up.
worked on my freakin cube cos i 4gt hw to make it.
dint gt it in the end anw.

went to meet girlf at 11 at pasir ris mrt.
sori!! i was late. =p
went to buy lunch for our 3 'children'
dawn,dream nn wuan ling.
than went to dawn's house to study.
we kinda slack there luhhs.
bt i realli DID study okay.
well,at least for that little while
&& i found out that THAT fookin fareda dint tell us that there would be some essay question for lit paper.
no wonder she ask us to go for lit remedial nxt mon after exam
i dont feel lyk going anw.
it's HER fault.

there's some wedding dinner later.
i dint lyk to go for wedding dinners all along.
unless that person is someone whom i knew realli well.
or else.NO.
had to go anw.cos mum forces me to.
i gna sit there lyk some gundo.
nvm.i shall find some way to escape from that place and go out with my friends.
yeahh right.
i dun even think i gna have the chance to do that.
kay.why am i talkin to myself??
my eden sickness is comin back again.

buh byeeeeeeee

Friday, May 02, 2008

i seriously hope helen tan just retires.
shes gettin ridiculous.
just gt the fuck off man.

i dint talk to anyone ystd.
some kinda silent day.
i was lyk studyin for the whole day and gettin my head in the books.
next week's exam and im still going out everyday after school.'s mayday nn happy birthday cousin!!love ya loads.

i was playin the cube while walkin to school.
well,at least i dint bang onto any1.
1st period's pe.
gna help mr leong with the 2.4 failures.
;;red shirt unite ehs;;
they just gonna run till they pass till the end of the year.
they were lyk walkin for the whole journey nn only runnin when they see us.
i guess only bout 8-9 ppl passed this thing out of the 22 failures.
crapped with mr leong nn mr david.
we were talkin bout the sec 2 camp at pulau ubin nn the kayakin durin the camp.
they were sayin that we have to poo nn pee in the sea.
2nd period was physics.
gt bck my test.
gt 18/25
it's bad.
played truth or dare with marco,ashley,nichol,zhafri nn jiahin.
im always the innocent party for them to DARE on,as always.
yes,i hate im bored.
helen tan's english.
she scolded us lyk hell.
she always make us do a test nn she jus keep talkin.
noise pollution.
thats what i told her nn she DIAO me.
kay,she ALWAYS diao 2/1.
last period was maths.
mr cheang was naggin lyk what he always does.
i was lyk ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya.
the worst thing he said was that we had to clear all the books under our desks by today.
so,i had to bring my chem tb,chem wb,science tb,hme econs wb,apron,history tb,chem file,eng file,chi file,chem exercise bk,maths exercise bk hme.
at least it's much better than niki's.
he seriously gt hs whole bookshelf in school.
went to tamp for lunch with rong fu,wuan ling,dawn nn eudora.
yea,thats always what happen in the end though i always say i wanna go hme nn study.
went to the playground somewhere around eudora's house.
with eudora n rong fu.
wuan ling nn dawn went hme.
crapped till bout 3.45 than went to meet huiying for my see-saw.
i told her that i wanna play see-saw.
deprived childhood.
met her at ws than went to the town park for my see-saw.
with rong fu.
rong fu hit his **** again.
super funny.
huiying too.
i dint.
than went hme at bout 6.15.
i dno why im still goin out right b4 exams