Wednesday, December 12, 2007


holidays suck lyk hell cn
damn borin

my grandma went to jakarta last sunday
coming bck tis friday
so yea,
in charge of every single ting
cnt go out if frens or anyting
its all gonna end very soon
din went fer trg fer 3 reasons last sunday
1)got to send my grandma to the airport
2)its raining damn heavily
3)i wanna go shopping!!
my dad rawks cn
bought xbox 360 at parkway
im nt lyk obsessed over tis kinda tings cos...i dno y??
din realli play luhh
nt interested anw
he jus rawks okay
nw my brother is obsessed over dher tv dhen gunbound
tell ya wad
my dad did sth tt i din expected
guess wad
he went to highlight hs hair
its lyk brown red
at first i tot hw was lyk jokin
bt dhen he realli did tt
last sat went to tm
dhen saw these 2 gay hu went onto the bus
cnt realli c tt dhey r gay luhh
cos 1 of dhem dressed up lyk a gurl
so yea
cn c hs chin hair
u shld wads tt bahh..cos this dosen sound tt digustin if i used the other word
dhn last sunday went suntec
saw this ah lian nn ah beng couple.dhey r uncle nn auntie
dhen tt uncle go grow hs hair till lyk below shoulder 10 cm
he dyed tt part in dher middle light green dhen at dher left nn right orange
dher colours rawk luhh
bt nt suitable fer dying of hair
nn this UNCLE
he totalli suck luhh
dhen on monday at hme lorh
gt to make breakfast fer my bro nn sis
nn lunch
went fer gym trg aft tt
missed dher bus luhh
too bad lorh
gt to take taxi
my dad returned me dher money dher nxt dae
dhen went fer dinner at loyang point
ystd my mum took a day leave
went to watch the golden compass
damn nc cn
my whole family went
bt dhen dher cinema is lyk so cold i wrapped myself up wif jacket
dhen 2dae gt flu lorh
sum1 ask mi to go out pls!!


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