Friday, October 26, 2007

yeahh my dear,my frens,my darlings,my bestfriend,IM SOOOO BCK!!!miss miee ppl??i guess so luhhs.haas;DD
okay.i gonna start frm last monday.cos i guess i stopped at last last sunday??yupp!!i did.lols

MONDAY 151007
i did dher accounts.gosh.its lyk damn borin luhhs.c soo many numbers till im lyk so headache.noticed a new "CORNER" frm muhh blog??okay.i cnt sae tt person is realli muhh enemy,bt i could sae i hate tt person lyk hell.i tink u ppl noe,i dun hate ppl tt ya,tis person realli did so many tings tt made miie so hate nt gonna sae,bt if u wanna noe,cn ask miie lorhs.haas;DD.i WOULD consider to tell quite SPECIALLY TREATED dhere.cos dhey noe im their boss' relative??AS A RESULT;;haas; specific;;dhey sort of bribe miie china ppl.anw,i din fall into their trap

TUESDAY 161007
cn i sae i did dher same ting as dher day b4??

dher eve of muhh granduncle's golf every1 went to live at dher venue of dher golf tournament fer dher tt suay.i hv to go to tt place wif dher person i hate.urgh.i managed to diao her.YAY!!!okay.i noe im nite;;i guess i mentioned tis lerhh bahhs;;mi,uncle benny,my bro,my dad nn xiao gu gu played murderer.i duno y bt we jus could nt stop laughin.summore cnt laugh so loud lorhs.cos its so late at nite nn so cnt laugh our heads off lorhs.hv to ren!!!wahh seh.its lyk so xin ku cn.lols

yeahh.dher dae of dher tournament.okay.nt many tings bro played 94.he din gt any prize bt dher youngest dad gt dher champion of dher NET score.&& nearest to pin.RMB $1000.haas;DD

FRIDAY 191007
went to factory nn used laptop frm 8 in dher mornin 2 5.30 in dher evenin.sum of euu might noe bahhs.cos im on9 fer tt period of time dher nite we went to hong zi ji fer dinner.yeahh..booked 3 tables.bcos of dher big amt of ppl??lol.tts dher restaurant which mi nn xiao gu gu call red son chicken.haas;DD.i was so damn drunk tt nite.i drank 1 bottle of red wine nn 2 bottles of beer.hahas.i vomitted lyk hell.summore tt stupid taxi driver anyhw drive derh lorhs.made it even worst.btw,dher chaouffeur's car is packed so we had to take taxi bck.

i dun realli rem wad happened on sat nn sun

MONDAY 221007
went bck to skul.din tell any1 bout it cos i jus reached at midnite.its supposed to b a surprise anw.urgh.din manage to surprise danyal.din c hm,AT ALL.instead,dher 1st person 1 met is rong fu.=.=.nvm..i went into dher classrm though dher bck door && i went YO!!!wuan ling,dawn,eudora,esther yap,zihui were lyk so shocked.haas;DD
dhey were lyk stunned fer 3 seconds.dhen dhey shouted ARIEL!!!lols.aft tt i went to hug all of dhem.cos i sooo miis dhem

TUESDAY 231007
ermm..lidat lorh.i 4gt??

went to sungei buloh wif dher hot nn so borin..ermm..okay luhh yes,i could nt hv so much fun without muhh classmates.

had tis dno wad tok in dher hall.dhen dhere's tis one six guy who sit on muhh left,sum ppl on muhh right nn justin chua behind irritatin luhh tis 3 ppl.dhey were lyk kp disturbin miie nn kp pokin miie.urgh.i was lyk so fucked up??urgh.i was sooo dyin.dhen aft recess we went fer tis sports tingy.we were so lucky to gt captain's ball.yeahh??haas;DD.okay.we won 1/8 by euu rawk!!!aft tt went fer piano fer a sad half an hour??=p.dhen went hme to change nn dhen went to watch movie wif bryan.erm erm..we did sth.=p

FRIDAY 261007
sads.last day of skul.:(
had tis wad BULLYING tok nn dher speaker is so stupid.urgh.make us sit on dher floor fer so long dhen tok tok tok.walao.dhen aft recess is report bk && okay.i gt 18 in class nn 99 in lvl.i noe its damn bad.last last dae of skul in sec 1.yeahh.i cried.miie nn wuan ling were lyk huggin 2gether dhen we jus ya,cried.haas;DD


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