Wednesday, October 31, 2007

im so damn bored luhhs.

MONDAY 291007
went out wif my girlfriend EUDORA && my boyfriend WUAN LING
fetched my sis to skul at 12 dhen aft tt went to tamp mrt to meet wuan nn eudora.wth lyk so damn early.tell ya wad,we were supposed to meet at 1 bt i reached at 12.30=.=.i tot i gonna b so late bt im the end,tt 2 gurls reached at 1.30.i stood dhere in daze fer 1 hr!!!!u 2 gonna pay fer tis.nt afraid to tell u tt im SO FUCKING PISSED OFF by them.tts y i din realli hv dher mood.lols.nvm,we had to meet eudora's mum at bugis so we went dhere lorhs.dhen dhere's tis man named DANIS tt walked towards us nn dhen said "excuse me".i tot he wanna go pass us so i gv way to dhen he said tis "Hi,my name is danis and i wan to ask if u girls r free nw nn i would lyk to ask u to b my models.btw,im frm a cn u gurls b my model for lyk cuttin of hair??"
of course we said no.(DUR)summore hes hair is lyk so damn messy nn UGLY.
lucky eudora's mum came.dhen we went to tis japanese restaurant to hv lunch.eudora's mum gd rites.haas;DD.dhen in dher middle of tis,sum1 called to "DISTURB".ms tham.she called eudora's mum nn sort of complained.i was lyk "she sure call my father de lorhs".lols.4gt bout tt.aft lunch,we went shoppin.yeahh.shoppin rawks!!bought 2 t-shirts.okay.we bought dher same ting.i spent 20 dollars.quite cheap luhhs.
at 'bout 4 plus,we went to tm.usual place.took neoprint((:saw shawn tok nn benjamin.haas;DD.ouh ya.&& edward.haha.dhen we went walkin ard again1 bad news: we cnt find shafiq's no.=p.its kinda its a sort of task fer 6 plus eudora nn wuan went hme.dhen bryan came.met his fren*s*.his frens r lyk so weird followin us.aft tt he sent mi hme.
went hme fer dinner.when i was lyk eatin halfway,my father sae tt ms tham called hm.dhen i was lyk DIE LE dhen he sae "bt she kenna suan by mi."lol.i was lyk "PHEW".haas;DD

TUESDAY 301007
went fer band nn its lyk so lyk sort of forced by my father && eudora's mum dhen i go derhs.nvm,decided to quit.serious tis time.anw my father said he will ans everyting.lols.dhen he sae.DUN GO LERHS.


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