Saturday, December 01, 2007

bck to BLOG!!!
yea,kp dher blog alive
one-five chalet rawks cn.those hu din stay overnite must hv so regretted.
tt nite was lyk OH MY!!!
some kinda thank you tingy 1st
most importantly,eudora && wuan ling;;the organizers;;erm erm..shld i sae CONGRATS??everyting went on well yeahh??
anw,tks fer all dher fun luhhs.[tis is fer all peeps hu went fer dher chalet]
no pics yt.cos i din hv any at all wif w8 till the others send to mi luhh.
start wif dher 1st dae of the chalet.
went to wuan ling's hse to meet dawn nn wuan ling at 2
dhey were watchin some kinda show.
if im nt wrong its princess romance
dhen wuan ling's dad sent us to dher chalet
ouh ya.
went to fetch eudora 1st
dhen lidat lor
reached dher chalet dhen started preparin fer dher bbq
dominic was dher chef of dher dae
k luhh
onli tt dher chicken wings r nt cooked
left wif lots of food anw
cant finish tt
b4 tt
we were lyk camwhorin
for dher gurls onli
took lots nn lots of weird pics
especially mi
dno y bt hyper high tt dae
so yea
c eudora's blog some dae
she sure post all those weird pics of mine
dhen went went to arcade lyk almost 9
dhen mi nn esther poh were playin dher dancin ting nn i was lyk laughin all dher way
i was 3rd in dher list okay
those hu were nt stayin overnite went hme 'bout 10 plus dhen ya luhh din slp
watched stay alive
din understand it at all
cos onli watched a small part of it.
sry wuan ling
din mean to pang seh u in dher bois' rm
dhen we played cheat
die luhh
i lost
dhen played murderer
fun luhh
mi,wuan ling,eudora,justin,tjx,moses were playin
aft tt played blackjack
i kept blackjack-ing
unusual term to use
dhen justin kp complainin
dhen we gurls slept at 4.30 in dher mornin dhen dher bois slept at 5
except fer gary
hu din slp at all
went fer mornin jog summore dher nxt mornin.
b4 we slept we were playin ps2
the sims
i was dher guy nn eudora was dher gurl
we kept makin them flirt luhh
nn dhere was a selection tt saes MAKEOUT
dhen mi nn eudora was lyk EEEEE!!!GOSH!!
dher bois ps2-ed dher whole nite
till 5 am
dhen i woke up at 8 plus
2nd last to wake up
hern hui was dher last
dhen had breakfast dhen went escape at 12 plus
din realli play luhh
cos lots of peeps
dhen went bck dhen mi,eudora,wuan ling nn natalyn prepared dher water bombs dhen started playin lorh.
dhey locked mi outside wif dher bois dhen i was lyk so drenched
dhen in the end wuan ling nn eudora oso bcome so drenched
aft tt mi,huiying,ljx,roy nn wuan ling i tink??
went to cheers to buy more food
i was part of dher chef okay
mus thank mi
dhen lidat lorh
went hme at 'bout 9.


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