Friday, December 28, 2007

erm.did nt post fer lyk 1 wk plus.
long huhhs.
skul gonna re-open all ure books ready??2 mths really pst real fast.
damn nervous luhh.
or shld i sae.i cnt bear to leave dher days of holidays.which i dun hv to study at all.
last wednesday.
errrr..yea.stayed at hme
my bro gt hs postin results.
he gt into st. gabriel's sec
totally unexpected luhh.
usual routine.
went to gym
dhen last thurs.
was hari raya haji
din hv to go fer piano!!whoos!!
went shopping spree!!!!
dhen place is lyk my hse
dad woke me up so early
cos dhey were going to my bro sec skul
sum kinda orientation
din wanna go
was forced
tot will b lyk my skul
jus submit dher report bk
wth luhh
tt skul is lyk so long winded
tok till i wanna slp
ouhh yea
heard dher skul's band
a gold fer syf fer do hw many years.
damn gd okay.
finally understood wad mr wong was expecting
bt too bad.
band isn my cup of tea
weird huhh
used dher wrong grammer=p
aft tt my mum went to amk hub to cut nn highlight her hair
i went along
tot it will b fast
bt it took 3 hrs
she cut bob
dyed her hair bck to black
dhen highlighted red
cousin came my hse
comes every wk
same lorh.
dher hole hse filled wif hs voice
went fer breakfast at changi village.
dhen came hme dhen went out again
cos joel asked mi nn my bro to sort of pei hm play bowling
he learn bowling anw
i won hm
played 5 games nn won hm 3
aft tt dhey wanted to go to changi village fer lunch
i went dhere twice tt dae nn wif dher same food.
dhen came bck fer trg
gt new team member
hes lyk j1??
christmas eve
stay at hme lorh.
went to bugis fer shopping nn bought lots of clothes =p
went fer gym trg.
ask mi nn my bro to carry 52 kg weight.
went to my cousin's hse fer piano
tot dher tcr would 4gt again
bt she din luhh
din do my theory.
stayed dhere fer lunch
dhen carol kp asking mi bout bf tingy.
she tot i lyk marcus
i was lyk ouh gosh
no offence marcus.
stayed dhere till 4 plus dhen went hme
aft a while went fer gym

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

whr shall i start
last thurs
stay at hme dher whole dae lorh.wad else cn i do
dhen last fri
gym trg cancelled cos instructor gt food poisoning.i was lyk phew~
so yea.still hv to go gym luhhs.cos erm,dno y??ya luhh,my dad go everydae.
so i hv to go lorh.
aft gym went to jumbo fer dinner.those pri skul peeps tt i invited fer chalet last year.rmb tis restaurant??my dad invited ya all fer lunch here.pls dad spent 3000-4000 dollars tt dae okay.hw cn ya guys nt rmb??
dhen went xbox.dhen 'bout 11 went to airport to fetch my grandma.damn nt used okay.cos tt wk is lyk no1 naggin at my ear.haas;DD
wierd huh.
dhen last sat.
my auntie came to my hse.
nn cousin
i watched 881 2 times tt dae luhh.
nt a realli nc show
bt dhen i watched it 3 times.
plus tt time i went to cinema wif my cousin
nth much luhh
last sun
tot it was gonna rain nn spoil my dae fer trg.
it din
sia luhh
coach sort of sabo us luhh.
made us play non stop fer 3 hrs.
i was lyk dyin
my dad was playin golf wig uncle jimmy,uncle dave nn uncle daniel again.
met auntie rose
so we went the deck 1st
eat till damn full
dhen she kp askin mi 2 go 2 hokkaido nn america wif her.
of course i nt goin luhh
tink i stupid mehh.
my uncle nn cousin came my hse
wahh sehh
joel's voice so loud luhh
whe dhey went hme dher whole hse is lyk so quiet.
went fer gym trg.
dhen w8 till my dad nn mum came to dher gym.
i watch tv in there.
lidat lorh.
dhen 2dae..
so borin
nth to sae.
ouh ya.
finished watchin 公主小妹.veri nc.must watch
i gt new idol!!lee wei.
so shuai luhh.
watchin 鬥牛要不要
watch till episode 6 dhen dun hv lerh.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


holidays suck lyk hell cn
damn borin

my grandma went to jakarta last sunday
coming bck tis friday
so yea,
in charge of every single ting
cnt go out if frens or anyting
its all gonna end very soon
din went fer trg fer 3 reasons last sunday
1)got to send my grandma to the airport
2)its raining damn heavily
3)i wanna go shopping!!
my dad rawks cn
bought xbox 360 at parkway
im nt lyk obsessed over tis kinda tings cos...i dno y??
din realli play luhh
nt interested anw
he jus rawks okay
nw my brother is obsessed over dher tv dhen gunbound
tell ya wad
my dad did sth tt i din expected
guess wad
he went to highlight hs hair
its lyk brown red
at first i tot hw was lyk jokin
bt dhen he realli did tt
last sat went to tm
dhen saw these 2 gay hu went onto the bus
cnt realli c tt dhey r gay luhh
cos 1 of dhem dressed up lyk a gurl
so yea
cn c hs chin hair
u shld wads tt bahh..cos this dosen sound tt digustin if i used the other word
dhn last sunday went suntec
saw this ah lian nn ah beng couple.dhey r uncle nn auntie
dhen tt uncle go grow hs hair till lyk below shoulder 10 cm
he dyed tt part in dher middle light green dhen at dher left nn right orange
dher colours rawk luhh
bt nt suitable fer dying of hair
nn this UNCLE
he totalli suck luhh
dhen on monday at hme lorh
gt to make breakfast fer my bro nn sis
nn lunch
went fer gym trg aft tt
missed dher bus luhh
too bad lorh
gt to take taxi
my dad returned me dher money dher nxt dae
dhen went fer dinner at loyang point
ystd my mum took a day leave
went to watch the golden compass
damn nc cn
my whole family went
bt dhen dher cinema is lyk so cold i wrapped myself up wif jacket
dhen 2dae gt flu lorh
sum1 ask mi to go out pls!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


yea.bck again..
erm erm.start frm last sat yea??
wad a borin day
i din step out of dher hse ;;AT ALL;;
damn borin cn
watch tv till i headache sia
dhen sunday
went to nsrcc at 10am
kinda healthy lifestyle luhhs
went swimming first
ps:tis is jus to pei my dad.he sae tt he nd to b more tan-ned.though hes already so tan-ned=.=
dhen he went of at 'bout 11.
cos hes playin golf
flight at 12++.i guess
wif uncle jimmy,uncle dave nn uncle daniel
so ya,we went on
till i bcome lyk such a weird TAN-NED colour.
i was lyk shek out okay
dhen aft tt went fer lunch dhen went to gym.
a while luhhs
cos veri tired lerhs.
at 'bout 2.45 went fer tennis
i was goin to slp luhhs
dhen i dno bt coach kp makin mi play luhhs
play till i surrender
when it was rest time
mi,kimberly,min yi nn chloe were lyk chattin 'bout hw ppl GAO BAI
weird huhhs.
lidat lorh.
w8ted fer my dad till 4 plus
as usual
dhey sure go the deck eat de
standard procedure
went hme at 'bout 6 plus
my uncle,joel,jonathan were at my hse
dhey had dinner at my hse btw
aft tt we watch horror movie
we sort of forced joel to watc luhhs
cos hes scared of tis kinda tings
so ya
he freaked out luhh
dhen ystd
went fer gym trg at 12.30
damn xin ku okay
my dad,my mum nn uncle declan came at 5 plus
so we had to continue lorh.
till 'bout 6 plus
sia luhh
nw i gt muscle ache
ltr goin out to watch enchanted wif my cousin
bt dhen i watched at hme le
as in on net
all dher movies cn b watched dhere

Saturday, December 01, 2007

bck to BLOG!!!
yea,kp dher blog alive
one-five chalet rawks cn.those hu din stay overnite must hv so regretted.
tt nite was lyk OH MY!!!
some kinda thank you tingy 1st
most importantly,eudora && wuan ling;;the organizers;;erm erm..shld i sae CONGRATS??everyting went on well yeahh??
anw,tks fer all dher fun luhhs.[tis is fer all peeps hu went fer dher chalet]
no pics yt.cos i din hv any at all wif w8 till the others send to mi luhh.
start wif dher 1st dae of the chalet.
went to wuan ling's hse to meet dawn nn wuan ling at 2
dhey were watchin some kinda show.
if im nt wrong its princess romance
dhen wuan ling's dad sent us to dher chalet
ouh ya.
went to fetch eudora 1st
dhen lidat lor
reached dher chalet dhen started preparin fer dher bbq
dominic was dher chef of dher dae
k luhh
onli tt dher chicken wings r nt cooked
left wif lots of food anw
cant finish tt
b4 tt
we were lyk camwhorin
for dher gurls onli
took lots nn lots of weird pics
especially mi
dno y bt hyper high tt dae
so yea
c eudora's blog some dae
she sure post all those weird pics of mine
dhen went went to arcade lyk almost 9
dhen mi nn esther poh were playin dher dancin ting nn i was lyk laughin all dher way
i was 3rd in dher list okay
those hu were nt stayin overnite went hme 'bout 10 plus dhen ya luhh din slp
watched stay alive
din understand it at all
cos onli watched a small part of it.
sry wuan ling
din mean to pang seh u in dher bois' rm
dhen we played cheat
die luhh
i lost
dhen played murderer
fun luhh
mi,wuan ling,eudora,justin,tjx,moses were playin
aft tt played blackjack
i kept blackjack-ing
unusual term to use
dhen justin kp complainin
dhen we gurls slept at 4.30 in dher mornin dhen dher bois slept at 5
except fer gary
hu din slp at all
went fer mornin jog summore dher nxt mornin.
b4 we slept we were playin ps2
the sims
i was dher guy nn eudora was dher gurl
we kept makin them flirt luhh
nn dhere was a selection tt saes MAKEOUT
dhen mi nn eudora was lyk EEEEE!!!GOSH!!
dher bois ps2-ed dher whole nite
till 5 am
dhen i woke up at 8 plus
2nd last to wake up
hern hui was dher last
dhen had breakfast dhen went escape at 12 plus
din realli play luhh
cos lots of peeps
dhen went bck dhen mi,eudora,wuan ling nn natalyn prepared dher water bombs dhen started playin lorh.
dhey locked mi outside wif dher bois dhen i was lyk so drenched
dhen in the end wuan ling nn eudora oso bcome so drenched
aft tt mi,huiying,ljx,roy nn wuan ling i tink??
went to cheers to buy more food
i was part of dher chef okay
mus thank mi
dhen lidat lorh
went hme at 'bout 9.