Saturday, October 24, 2009


Gawd, my results suck, hardcore. Only 62.7% on average. SHIT!!

Went K Box with family last night. YEAH, it was fun :D Finally, it's K-Boxing time after such a long time. Haha.. Everyone went out of tune, but, who cares? Lol..

Awww, I'm so god damn effin' bored at home. Going for Tana's chalet later. It's gonna be fun!!

Wanted to go shopping at Parkway actually. But, you know, I'm too broke to go anywhere for shopping now. -.-"

Tennis with Mr David on Wed. (:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kay, everything's getting on my nerves..

What the fuck do you treat me as? What? A fucking bitch that you can easily hook up and just fucking throw aside when you fucking feel like it?

Results. Fuck, I failed my physics and screwed up english. Shit.

Ngee Ann Poly's trip was kinda monotonous. Wasn't really paying attention to what was going on but just laughing at our own jokes. Nice sleep back to school though. (:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

AWWWWW, it's Saturday, once again. My boring boring Saturday DAYmare.

Went to bugis today again. Cus mum gave me money to buy the bag I want!! Haha.. Yeah, I asked for it just before she and dad set off to Malaysia today morning. Haha.. Aint I smart?

Today's a HOT HOT day..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yeah, I guess it's time to blog, after all those super screwed up papers. Seriously gave up on this EOY after 'A' Maths and Chemistry paper on Wed. It's like really out of my knowledge. Not knowing how to solve the sums and do up equations.


I didn't study for Chemistry and Physics Paper 1 today. A bit luh. 15 mins? Was quite determined to use my Paper 1 results to pull up the terrible science marks but you know, the TV is a bad guy. It took away the attention that supposedly belong to my Chemistry and Physics book. Haha..

Kay, you're really really starting to disappear from my life and most impotantly, my mind, everything. That's good (: At least I don't carry the burden of worrying whether you still care or bother or not. So yeah, no more HIM anymore. I don't even know whether we're still together. Attached or not?

Officially decided that school days are definitely better than those no-school-and-stay-at-home days. These days really suck, hardcore. Only for weekdays, I guess. At the very least, when there's school, there're friends to talk to, to crap to, to scream at, to shout at, to laugh at. But when there isn't school, it's just a stay-at-home-and-rot-and-no-one-cares day. Aww, seriously, don't like them. I was rotting at home yesterday. Don't like that feeling :/

Out with clique today after all the not so good papers today. Sorry sorry, I was late. D: Did shopping!! Whoo-hoo, feels good shopping and buying lots of stuff. (: BUT BUT, I LIKE THAT BAG!! IT'S $89.90 D: SAD SAD..

Weekends ahead and parents are going to Malaysia. LOL, left with grandma and the 3 of us.

CRAP, it's not marking day. Yeah, it's 'MARKING DAY' for us when everyone else in Singapore is having a holiday cus it's Deepavali on Sat. What scammer -.-"

Monday, October 05, 2009


Kay, I really really screwed up my SS paper cus I really really don't know what I really really am writing. Plus, I didn't even complete it luh. Gosh. Say BYE to 13 marks Ariel. Face it, u lost it.

Whatever, I'm like not really caring much for this EOY anyway. Even though everone around me is like mugging so hard and so nervous about the next coming paper, I don't really feel anything about it.

Feel so lost without you. I don't know the reason for falling for you and it's so hard to let go. Feels really bad to be keeping everything to myself cus you're always not there for me.
