Saturday, February 28, 2009

hello (:
hasn't been blogging for days.

urgh,i was freaking pissed ystd.
as well as dad. Cos something went wrong in school.
ARGH! Nvm,dad'll settle it on monday :D

i think i prefer ms chung's lesson rather than fire drill.
the bell rang during ms chung's lesson. And it started like for only 10 mins -.-"
Than we had to go to the field to assemble.
guess what, it was freaking hot luh.
the worse thing is, there's still worms around.
i was freaking out can. No,i shall be brave (:

the worse thing in the world has happened !!!!!!
common test is on monday and i forgot to bring my chinese textbook home !!!!
SHIT !!!!!!!!
had to study the textbook cos there's tian xie han zi in the common test this year.
hasn't been doing that for years..........

Huiying lost her voice ystd.
WOW,it's very very very quiet....
haha,sorry huiying !!
the thing is,ms chung said that she was very quiet ystd. and praised her.
HAHAHA !!!!!!
but she found her voice back after that,thanks to jia hin, and she took revenge..

got training last sunday.
know what, met darren there.
LOL, and he was playing bowling.

training's tmr again.
hope it dosen't rain !!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

HELLO !!!!!!
havent been posting for a week. =p
cos im super busy with the inter house competition and also,tons of hw.

umm,school's super super fun.
idk why,but i love going to school.
heh heh.
yeah,im one abnormal person.
but,im screwing up my studies !!!!!!!
i wanna go overseas during the september hols !!!!!
so i must have 65% average.
i swear im going to study lyk hell.
no screwing up of chemistry,A maths and E maths anymore.

stayed back to do the class' noticeboard ystd.
it's the nicest notice board in the whole school okay.
cos it's done by huiying,sihui and ariel.
tyty !!!!

oh yes,
thanks to everybody who gave me valetine's day gift.
love you all :D

i decided not to buy new phone for the time being D:
i want lots of other stuff.
heh heh (:

have to study for chem test tmr !!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

she was supposed to buy her phone on sunday. But there's this freaking salesman told her that there aint stock left. But the next day,which was ystd,confirm,guarantee have stock. So she went there ystd and the salesman told her that there's no stock AGAIN !! my god,if i were her,i would've killed the salesman alrdy. Kay,she went again today. And guess what. There's no stock,again -.-" wth. i would've been so fking pissed with that salesman. Stopping me from buying my phone.
Anw,i aimed for a new phone. hahahaha. Im gonna tell dad tmr :D i want Nokia 5800. Eh,damn cool luh can.

i was totally insane in school today.
Everyone's damn shocked. But sihui came shouting at me this morning. hahaha.

homeroom was 1 half hours today.
super shiok !! missed 1 of ms chung's lesson. YAY !!!!
we were discussing about the newspaper thing. Dint really discuss. Cos i was super tired and i was like lying flat on the table. But,my group was the 'good people'. We wrote everything that was with the school while others were against. Like DUH. 90% of our school population is against this stupid rule.
WOW,i dint expect this to have such impact man.

Monday, February 09, 2009


kay,im kinda irritated about some things. -.-"

school's fun today.
But i had to go to school early to talk to the sec 2s about the interhouse stuff.
Cos if i dont,no one else gonna say it. Nvm,i did. The thing is, i doubt no one's gonna look for me.
i shall arrow them thn.

First lesson was SS.
went to the library. Miss sharrifa wanted us to work on our project.
But,we dint. We were playing inkball instead =p

thn it was chem.
there's chemical equation test. hope i dint screw up.
Than,mdm norul was like teaching what ms kang taught us last yr luh.
nvm,just treat it lyk some recap.

i was like sleeping in class.
today's lesson was freaking dry luh can.

got new mt teacher.
hahahahaha,mt class' gonna be damn noisy from now on.

my finger hurts !!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to trg ystd.
no,i kept on playing though i got this super big blister on my finger.
heh heh =p

counted my ang pow money just now.
not gonna tell you how much i got !!!!
or else you'll scam me. rawr !!!

went to sihui's house for SS project after school just now.
finished the project thn played some board game.
forgot the name luh.
anw,it was super funny can!!!!!!
hahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reached home around 6.30.

i want phone too.....

gonna go to bed !!!
school's tmr


Friday, February 06, 2009

hello,im posting like after such a long long time luh.
no more sad stuff,life still has to go on anw,right?

Finally,im adapting to A maths.
(HAHA,ESTHER YAP !!!!! =p)
hello,i kept 'dont know how to do everything' all the time can.
and finally,i understood what ms chung's talking about.
she will only tell you when you ask -.-"
HAHAHAHA,thanks luh,ms chung.

URGH,physics is seriously boring luh !!
i dint know why i took pure physics anw.
ermmmmmm,that was the only subject combination that was the most pratical?

when for track heats today.
everyone's going on very well and there's another heats next saturday for those people who got some competitions on both the track heats day.
eh,MAYBE i dont wanna go.
cos im going out with friends !!!!!!!!!!
*heh,bt i very seldom go out with friends wan okay*
and esther,wednesday okay :D

oh,and when we were on our way to tampines stadium,we made this poem for sihui.
nah,she must be irritated.

my brother's class tee is damn cool okay.
i kept irritating him saying that i want that shirt too.
bt seriously,it's VERY VERY VERY NICE.
i dint expect GUYS to do such nice shirts.
no no no,they must have asked their sister or whatever to do it =p

urgh,i had to do some total defence thing.
someone tell me how to do can.
im seriously running out of ideas can.
nvm,i shall arrow the sec 2s to do it.
see,such brain. (:

sec 2s are gonna do the track and field stuff next monday.
wl,i cant get to torture them -.-"
no luh,im not so bad okay.

kay,sleep early !!!!!!!