Friday, September 14, 2007

SUNDAY 090907
had trg
its lyk so hot
scorchin hot okay
mi,kimberly,min yi nn chloe r lyk complainin lyk hell
bt coach is lyk dun care dun care derhhs
ouhh ya..
muhh best day ever
i won kimberly 7-3 7-6
won chloe 7-2
won min yi 7-5
dhen aft tt play doubles
ian was my pair =.="
we lost lyk 7-5 luhh
he dun even noe hw to hit propers shots properly luhh
dhen wan2 play volley lerhhs
i duno wad to sae bout hm
ryan pathetic luhh
samantha,jimmy dhen all nvr come dhen in the end left himself dhere trg
dhen saw ronald nn joshua
dhey were lyk 'y r u so wet??'

MONDAY 100907
1st day of skul
as in term 4
so dun feel lyk goin to skul luhh
cos its lyk rest fer 1 wk onli nn it seems so short nn fast to mi
out of 7 days i hv to go to skul on 3 days
might as well dun hv holiday
summore go to skul so early nn go hme so late okay
1st lesn was MT
nth much luhhs
dhen nxt lesn was STARS
as usual lorr
chan mali chan nn mrs yeo nag nag nag nag nag
actualli shld b 5 grps do presentation de dhen in the end bcome onli 2 grps managed to do dher presentation luhh
dhen it was CME
play lorr
nth to do dhen we jus lyk kp tokin nn tokin
we changed eng tcr again
dhen dher tcr nvr come
so gt relieve tcr lorr
which was xin liang's god sis
dhen dher bois lyk flirt flirt wif her luhh
mi,huiying,brenda nn esther yap play the game of life
so fun luhh
actualli tot huiying will lose nn esther yap will win derhhs
dhen in the end bcome huiying win nn esther yao lose
i noe tis is kinda childish
every1 is a child at heart

TUESDAY 110907
1st lesn was PE
bt was cancelled cos it was rainin lyk hell
dhen we were lyk WTF
we change fer nth
dhen mr lee come into our class nn tok crap
we were lyk orh orh orh
nn jus listen fer dher sake of listenin
dhen it was maths
every1 bcome so guaii nn listen to ms shee teach fer dher 1st time
though its borin
aft skul hv band
rubez nn suhaylah nvr come
i was lyk ouh shit
kuan ye dun even noe hw to play caro mio ben luhh
i was shocked okay
dhen i hv to blast lyk hell to cover them lorr
ant mr wong sure nag de

the most fun day in skul ever
1st period was lit
we were all prepared fer tt watermelon to come in
bt ms nisa
our eng tcr
came in instead
nth to do luhh
so we play again lorr
throw paper balls until most of them went out of dher window
bt ms nisa dun care luhhs
i call her ms shee no.2
dhen nxt period was eng
which was oso ms nisa's period
bt she went out of dher classroom
so no tcr fer tt period

so mi,dawn,wuan ling,esther yap,eudora nn zihui play heart attack
we were dher 1st class to go fer recess
aft recess was maths
we missed 15 mins of it
cos we were supposed to go to IT rm
ms shee told esther poh
bt she din sae
so nvm luhh
1st time i did ms shee's hw
i passed up okay
i feel so proud of myself
or i shouldn b bahh
dhen art dhen bio
dhen lidat lorr

i dno y bt i always 4gt bout thursdays

TODAY 130907
1st period was bio
did test
quite easy luhh
dhen it was geography
as usual lorr
dhen last period was literature
we spent so long greetin ms ann luhh
1st round we greeted her "dua bui drrr"
dhen we greeted her "fatass"
dhen many many more luhh
bt she dun understand
cos we said all tt in hokkien
borin luhh
do so many work summore
dhen it was assembly
bt no assembly nn i dno y
so we watched the simpsons movie
so funni luhh
dher father so bad derhhs
nn tt 2 stupid policeman gay
dhen we pon band
went TM


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