Monday, August 16, 2010

Hmm, day sick today.

Isn't a really nice day to be sick though: Oral. Missing you lots as well, you know you know? Well, that didn't really sound right. Haha.

Anyway, it can be a good thing though. I thought I could sleep more this morning. But, unfortunately, I was sleepless. So, it was a nice time to lie on the bed, thinking about random stuffs. Erm, yeah, I think it's true that the most important thing when 2 people are together is to feel really comfortable and happy with the other party. Maybe it's really time for me to mature.

Mature being: knowing my priorities at the moment, knowing what's important for now, knowing what can wait.

Nevertheless, I hope we can still share out happy, as well as unhappy moments. Maybe it isn't the right time to do so.

Many "maybe"s are running through in my mind right now.

Maybe we would be better this way;

Maybe we would feel happier like that;

Maybe our life would redeem its freedom;

Maybe everything would be nice;

etc etc.

Hmm, I don't know. That's why these are random thoughts. Haha. Hey, this isn't supposed to be some emo post or what-so-ever. It's just that, sometimes, I need some place to express what I think.

I'll wait.