Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time for the study marathon.

Can see that everyone's studying really really when the 2nd semester started. It's only the 3rd day of school and homework's coming in like rushing water. Haha. Especially maths. -.-" Spend most of my time doing maths stuff at home. Brain wrecking okay. Urgh.....

Chinese orals are coming, like on this Friday, and I'm not really ready for it. Big lols. Well, in MY opinion, oral is testing your train of thoughts. So, as long as you say whatever that comes into your mind that is relevant or related to the topic, everything should be alright. Anyway, I guess I'm just trying to make up an excuse for myself for not revising enough for oral. Haha.

SPA skill 3 seem really really hard...... I'll have a hard time mastering it within 2 weeks, or less. At this point of time, how I wish the trick of burning your textbook and drinking it works. It's impossible though.


You know what, I like these 3 days. :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back from IP MAN. It wasn't really as impressive as I thought though. The guy could have done better and the story was.........short. Haha.

I've finally finished the 8 last minute SS essays. Gawd, really felt like dying when I printed it out on Thursday. But yeah, I still completed it. Yes yes! :D

School yesterday sucked. Not because of the lesson, but because of the weather. I was wet the moment I stepped out of my gate. :/ Great. My shoe was uber drenched and my skirt became dark blue. My shoe ain't dry till now yet though. Okay, and I walked for less than 200m and I was all wet. Thanks rain. Urgh, yesterday was just super screwed up. I waited for 45 mins for the bus and the bus became flooded soon after cus one of the bus stops was half full of water. Daddy can't fetch me to school too cus it's time for car servicing.


weather like that is seldom seen here in Singapore. Quite cool actually, seeing places get flooded and everything. Okay, just don't happen all the time. Haha.

Sad thing, I remember myself feeling so relieved when I realised that everyone else who went for SLTC had sandfly bites while I don't. You know what, the sandfly bite bumps are appearing. AHHHHHHH!! UGLY RED SPOTS WHICH TAKE MONTHS TO RECOVER. And and, it's like uber itchy to the core. Gosh, despite me sleeping with 3 mosquito coils, it didn't help in the end. -.-" Okay luh, maybe it did, cus I didn't have as much as the others are having right now. HEH! (:

Last thing, school's reopening in 2 days time and I haven't got my school shoes yet! Told mummy that I'm going to bandage myself and wear slippers to school if I still don't get 1. Hahahaha. Yeah, I'm smart. (:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Haven't been blogging. Haha.

Yeah, I'm finally back from SLTC. Tiring man. But yes, it was really nice to see the 5th batch of redshirts coming up. All the best guys.

School's like reopening in a few days time, and I just realised the 10 SS essays to be done during the June Holidays. Gosh. Time to finish them all. To think I've finished my holiday homework and think it's time for revisions. -.-" Anyway, out with Chun Yin later. Haven't been catching up with Primary School friends. Maybe because I'm kinda far away from Pasir Ris right now. Haha.

Kay, essay time!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Holidays Week 3

Can't believe that I've been doing work. Woah, great job Ariel. *Taps on shoulder* Social Studies really wrecks my brain btw.

FInally had training yesterday after 2 weeks. Aww, I miss training so much. I had 2 empty Sundays and it sucked. Haha. Training was so much more tiring than normal. Gawd, I almost died. Lol. Somehow, only 4 people was able to make it yesterday while the rest are busy with their holidays.

Then, it gave my muscleaches on my butt. Great :/

World Cup started and me being a pretty abnormal female, had stayed up till 5am just to watch England vs USA. England had disappointed my much though. And, that was a lucky goal for USA, what a miss. -.-"


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Well, I didn't expect it to be so hard.

Thought I was over it, after a talk with Mummy. But, sorry, I can't help it. Give me some time, will you?