hiie..me again..
happen to find this pic in wuan ling's blog.
i guess it's taken by eudora RYTE!!
anw,i look so weird nn funny.
wth was i lookin at??
okay.nvm.seen the pics??i guess it dint turn out as funny as i thought it would be
so yea,im bloggin nw in case i have to blog this super long post nxt wk..
warm up.
than tennis
ouh ya.played with this club player of nsrcc.
hes in the man's team
hs name is gavin[it's nt gavin chan]
but i call him uncle gavin cos hes kinda old. =p
no offence
but hes damn good
me nn kim played with hm
i was trashed by him in the first game.
hate tt
next game was 7-4
lost to him once again.but it wasn't that bad.
than me nn kim played 2 against 1 with him
i cant believe that we actually lost to him by 11-3
ouh gosh
it's 2 against 1 okay
start of term 2
as usual
went fer red shirt tingy.
okay.but that freaking fuckin bastard jonathan ling actually messed everything up by asking the boys not to cooperate with me nn huiying.
and those naive boys actualli listened to that fucking freak
lets not talk about freaking people who acts in front of mr lee only.
so.the day started as it was in every beginning of the term
hair and attire check.
i dint kenna.
but zihui was.
she got suspended oso.
she got this big big defiance to dm words on her DC paper.
1st period was english
bt was left with about 25 mins due to delay in the hair nn attire check plus assembly.
k luhh..
gt bck common test paper
gt 90/100
yay.bt huiying beat me by 92/100
i dint do as well in english
ouh great.i've got 24/40
last 2 periods.
i 4gt wad it was.
went home.and pathetically had to cook instant noodles myself cos no lunch was prepared for me -.-"
than dad came home.i went with him to airport to buy fone with uncle declan.
great.uncle declan's gt a new fone.
woke up.ate breakfast.went out kinda late -.-"
the enthusiasm for me to go to school is that there is no helen tan's lessons at all.
1st nn 2nd period was home econs.
we've got theory for 2 whole hours.
kinda borin.
sung happy birthday song to dawn.
happy belated b'dae!!
nxt was cme
same.slack period.
dhen it was art.
crapped with zihui nn zhafri.
last was mt.
went through common test paper nn did some textbook lesns
there's choir after school
did some warm up with ms chan
dhen went fer rehearsal lyk 3 plus.
in the end it started lyk 5 plus
so me,huiying,dawn,esther yap,brenda,tingyin nn amanda played truth or dare.
i kena 4 times
they asked all the personal ques
than??i had to blurt everything out.
huiying oso kena.she was dared to do the mocca advertisment tingy.haha.she did it anyway.so funny
than rehearsal started.
than bck to the ava room.ms chan nn mr lim nagged lyk hell nn we went hme lyk 6.30
dont rmb much bout wed bt i rmb so very clearly tt ms tan zau geng
she taught us to do warm ups for oral
nn she did this mahjong action,some dance tingy dhn the starjump
she realli jumped nn i can see her stomach nn ________.
aft skul went hme.
rained lyk hell.
esther yap nn brenda went hme with me.
lyk downstait my hse esther yap opened her spoilt umbrella.haha
nn this lightning flashed across right beside her
close shave.
than went hme
talked to nicklaus on the fone.
pls.this mth's fone bill gonna burst.
went to school once again.
kinda forgot
bt helen tan's wearin this damn short blouse nn she zau geng once again.
aft skul went to kfc with dawn,wuan ling,esther yap,zihui nn challenger.
crapped there.
bought yuqian's present.
than went home.
took same bus as zihui,esther yap nn challenger.
challenger slept lyk some pig.
dhen hs saliva...u noe.
breakfast at hme
called nicklaus at 7.30
cos hs goin to m'sia
nn he asked me to call hm -.-"
dhen went to gym.
w8ed fer dad cos hs playin golf.
dhen went to uncle's hse
every1's there
joel kp tokin crap??
i realised i lyk usin the word crap nw.
dhen justin kept bullying me
kp pressing on my head.
lyk what challenger used to do
i noe im short nn ure tall okay.
come hme lorh..
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