Wednesday, March 19, 2008

dint post fer long long time
be prepared tt tis gonna b a long long post.

went fer B & S CAMP '08
oh.totalli rawks man
every1 assembled at dher foyer.
dhen mi,tricia nn yuan teng went brought grp 1-4 gurls to their bunk
so miss pri skul life
dhen all the other went to pt their stuff at their own bunks
aft was amazin race time
dhey got to walk to tamp to find some tings,buy eggs and walk back
mi,trisha,tricia,kaijie,ren an nn ren da dint hv to be grp leaders cos we noe all the answers nn the other dont
nt ren an
cos hes ren da's bro
mr viknesh drove us to our 'hideouts'
mi nn tricia are together,trisha nn kaijie are together nn ren da nn ren an are together.
me nn tricia jus stayed there fer a while cos tts dher first checkpoint.
aft tt mr viknesh came nn pick us up nn we kinda became paramedics.
bt quite fun
we spent lyk 2 hrs in dher car jus to pick some 'nt feelin well' ppl bck to skul
dhen bck to skul
dhey prepared their own dinner by survival cookin
it's lyk instant noodle,sausage nn egg.
nn dhey dun even noe hw to cook
dher water haven even boil dhey pt their instant noodle in dher masstin

1)some of them cook without any fire on their fossil fuel -.-"
2)some of them came down to eat without fork nn spoon so they had to eat wif their hands[too bad]
3)so square-minded.the fossil fuel cn onli b lighted up wif lighter.cnt borrow fire frm other grps meh???

okay.of course there are some more smart ppl.
aft everyting dhey washed up everyting
bt dhey dint wash it properly
so dher camp leaders had to clean fer them
then there were more nn more nt cleaned
there is still noodle stains on it.
so dhey still hv to wash it another time
mi,tricia,shashna,jasmine dint eat
so we went out to eat wif mr koh,mr viknesh,mr chee nn hs gurlfren
mr koh treated us
ren da nn ren an tagged along cos dhey said dhey were still hungry
bt i had to hlp mr koh packet food fer other tcrs in dher skul in return
went bck to skul
dhen dhey were practicin dher songs fer dher camp fire dher nxt day
c'mon ppl.u gonna be more hyper!!!
aft tt all of them went to bathe.
dhey were bathin so slow.
so jiamin,jasmine nn trisha went in nn banged on their doors so hard.
bcareful man,ltr dher door collapse
cos dher toilet was beside dher basketball i sat at dher basketball court dher reeling dhere.
so many campers came to complain to me
tried to explain to them
hpe dhey understand(:
lights off at 11
dher day wasn over fer dher camp leaders yt
we had to make sure no1 plays a fool,no1's walkin ard.
dhen we went bck to watch kung fu dunk
mr chee's CD
thanks mr chee(:
every1 watched
malay,chinese,indian ppl all watched
watched till bout 12 plus.
dhen was ghost story time
mi nn trisha shout lyk hell

dhey had to report at 8am at dher canteen
bt i dno hu dher hell woke them all up at 4 nn ended up mi wakin up too
i slept fer 1 hr plus onli okay!!!
so in ther end reportin time became 7.
bt i went to hv piano theory exam first wif cousins
dher paper was okay luhh
studied dher italian nn french terms lyk freak
i gt it wrong anw
went bck at 12
had lunch dhere
dhey completed their treasure hunt yuen shen
i dint play
so damn missed it
sounds fun okay
aft lunch dhey had some i dno wad game??
i dint play
i was slackin in dher staff lounge =p
heard dhey watched kung fu dunk again.
in dher mornin when i wasn there
aft tt was some kinda knot tying tingy
by mr wong
so leader could rest in dher staff lounge
we watched kung fu dunk once again
cos we had no other tings to do nn watch
tts dher onli CD we hv
PS:the staff lounge has sofa,tv nn cd;;dvd;;vcd player
watched it again aft it finished.
bt many of them feel asleep
too tired i guess
dhen prepared fer dher camp fire
dher camp fire starts at 6.30
prepared firewood nn all
nn camp fire starts!!
so hyper.
brownies won dher scouts!!!
bt jiamin went to shout guides rocks
mistake mistake
dhen all went hme at 8.30
we stayed bck to clear dher tings until 9 plus
dhen went hme
scary sia.
alone in dher streets
pics nn other post in dher nxt post


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