Wednesday, November 21, 2007

so sorry fer nt bloggin fer so long blog is so in coma
joking luhhs
its due to my LAZY-NESS
hv been changin blogskin so many times recently
noe y??
cos i gt nth better to do.
holidays totalli sucks okay
i realli realli gt nth to do
few more days to class chalet.gime more info cn??
lyk wad unit is dher chalet nn most importantly,wads dher exact amt. i hv to pay?
chen lao shi msg mi tt dae t dhere will b another class chalet on 3 dec.
i miis 6 heartts so much luhhs!!
gym training goin on quite smoothly.i guarantee u gona c a slim slim ariel when skul reopens or durin dher class chalet nxt wk.or cn i sae a more slim ariel luhhs
gonna change tennis coach
my dad said tt
so yea,gonna adapt
btw,i relinked or linked all of u le.
i realli dno wad to blog.
ouh ya,im on a ure eyes wide big nn c.
nn in dher nxt RV magazine tis pic would b in it:
chloe,min yi nn miie
nxt year;;nxt year
dher whole one-five is so darn seperated
miie,wuan ling,zihui,gary,jia hin is in two-one
eudora,jek ee and some others is in two-two
dhen the others dun realli rmb le
anw,we r all seperated tt all
another piece of news
we broke up
nvm,i dun realli feel sad AT ALL
trust me
cos i din bring any kinda feelings into tis relationship
so yea,i feel tt im so bad
erm erm
tts all luhhs