Wednesday, May 16, 2007

im so damn sad

no pics 2dae
so sian
all my exam's reasults are terrible
best is B3 onli
i tink
eng jus pass
maths jus pass
mt pass la,quite ok
history FAIL
hme econs jus pass
die lo
he didn come to skul 2dae
he seemed so angry at mi
tis made mi so sad:(
i sms-ed hm
he gave mi dull replies
k la
i admit i feel real sad 2dae
i duno y
frm dher beginnin of dher dae
i am so sad nn so damn moody
LIT tcr didn come 2dae
dher class was so relieved
bt sumth spoiled our mood
dhere it came a idiotic tcr tt dun allow us to do any shit
dher new tcr in my skul
everybody went hme so early 2dae
left mi nn hidayah dhere
hangin around
tis spoiled my mood even more
i sometimes wonder if he realli lyk mi
hes so sweet to mi sometimes
nn he turn a cold shoulder on mi sometimes
he gv mi realli nice replies sometimes
he gv mi realli dull replies sometimes
bt i still lyk hm
no matter wad
wish he tink in dher same way too
mayb he made my mood so terrible 2dae ba...
bt nvm
as long as hes heart is wif mi
i noe tis is realli mushy la
bear wif mi
blogger is back
my posts r back to life
dhere r colours
or nt its so dull
i duno la
i feel lyk dhere is a large stone on my heart
my heart is lyk sinkin
i duno y
mayb i miss hm???
tink so
i duno y im writtin tis
if u find tis confusin
dun read it
my words r abit harsh 2dae
im nt in a gd mood
tts y
2dae i wanted to change place wif kenny
dhen he said 'scissors,paper,stone'
i lost
so he managed to sit at hs own place for 1 period
after recess
i suggested to kenny again to change place wif hm
he said 'scissors,paper,stone' again
i lost again
bt zihui helped mi
she lost
bt she managed to help mi sit at hs place
huiying went to sit at gary's place
in front of dawn
so esther came to sit at huiying's place
which is bside kenny's place
so bside mi lo
we talked alot
during maths lesson
till tt idiotic tcr came
a lonely 1 hour
bt jek ee's in front of mi
so veri easy talk
so i talk to hm lo
tis is drivin ppl crazy
my class ar
so shi bai
dher most terrible sec 1 express class in coral sec
though its dher 3rd best class
everybody gt borderline passes nn everybody's so damn happy
fail oso
gt 40++ upon 100 oso so happy
dhey sae realli gt alot of man zu gan
so above 30
i was lyk diao
i oso la
my history gt 29/70 nn im so happy
my maths gt 54.5/100 nn im so happy
my eng gt 66.5/110 nn im so happy
my hme econs gt 58/100 nn im so happy
my chinese gt 51/70 nn im so happy
siao lo mi
so terrible results nn im so happy
lyk i nvr done so 'well' in my life liddat
in fact,
tis is dher worst result i hv in my life lo
haven show my parents dher papers yet
dun dare
regret liao
y didn i study harder??
cos im a slacker in studies
i completely dun understand a word dher tcr is talkin bout
my maths is veri gd actually
in pri skul
everytime A A* A A A* lidat wan
bt nw??
suck rite??
bt i dun wan tuition
tis will make mi hate studies
dun make mi as i dun completely hate it rite nw
if u guys do or my parents,
i will nvr go to skul again
i wana drop NA
i cnt take dher stress in express anymore
wad we learn is sec 4 NA learn wan lo
tink wad
we genius ar
pls lo
we oso human
we nd time to learn
sat at kenny's place so justin's bside mi
he kept singin
i said b4 he lyk mi
so he was so happy
nn he kept singin those qing ge
tt made mi so irritated instead
2dae is a realli long post
in case u gt sian

lurv muaii darlings!!
lurv EUU no matter wad


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