Friday, May 11, 2007


im so patheticly angry lo
he jus asked mi to go hme lidat
so damn disapointed
so sad
so angry
so fury
2dae gt visual arts exam
2hour paper
bt i completed it in 40 mins
so wad did i do??
i slept...
after bout 20 mins
i woke
D.M. walked passed my seat
i was so veri shocked
bt nvm la
she dossn care
so i slept again
for one hour
dhen end of paper liao
went for piano lesson at 11
nn ended at12
had lunch
dhen went back to white sands
nn went arcade to play
we spent bout 40++ dollars on arcade
bt we spent tt in nt more dhen half an hour
pro rite
after exam
he went to watch movie wif his frens
dhen he came back to white sands to look for mi
bt i was goin hme
he said he was at arcade
so i went lookin for hm
nt even 10 mins ltr
he said his fren is comin nn asked mi to go hme
tis made mi realli angry nn sad
he asked mi to go nn look for hm nn he jus asked mi to go hme lidat
so sad:(
darren kept askin mi for stead
i said no
i rejected hm many times already
i told hm i already gt stead
he said mayb he could b a beter wan??
i said no again
i dun hv tt special kinds og feelings 4 hm
i onli lyk wan person
although he made mi realli angry todae
justin told mi tt he lyk mi
i was so shocked
so he kept goin near esther poh to make others tink tt he lyk her
k la

lurb muai darlings<3


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