Thursday, May 24, 2007 sick.

heyy guys
im hme so early 2dae
nt in realli gd mood
nn im sick
i hate to b sick
so i may nt b goin to skul tmr
mayb goin to dher hospital instead
cos i cnt eat
i cnt realli walk properly
lyk tis post
i will take a realli long time to post cos my hands are so numb
i dun wana lie on dher bed
tis make mi feel tt im realli so sick
i hate tt feelin though
so i would rather sit in front of dher com although im havin a terrible headache rite nw
i sat in dher room jus nw
muaii tears jus flowed down lidat
i duno y
i jus suddenly feel tt i completely lost evertin nn so sad
jus nw in skul we gt footdrill nn movie screenin
footdrill was borin
everybody kept doin dher wrong tings
dhen movie
we watched "HAPPY FEET"
i didn realli watch la
i was tokin instead
cos huiying was in front of mi nn eudora was in front of huiying
dhen myron was jus nearby
so huiying dared myron to come nn sit bside eudora
myron came
bt he didn sit bside eudora
he sat bside mi instead
eudora was so paiseh cn
myron said tmr he will sit bside eudora
in fact
he promised
if he dun do tt tmr
he must gv mi nn huiying 10 SING DOLLAR each
dhen after tt we hv so much briefin nn so much hw
i dun tink i cn complete tt in time
nn i haven do dher MLG tingy
i dun wad is tt btw
we walked to ws
i didn go for lunch wif cos im nt feelin well
tts also y im hme rite nw
nt in dher mood la


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