Friday, April 27, 2007

hi ppl
im posting again 2dae
nt even 3hours nn i post again
cos i duno y dher hell so many things happen to miee in wan day
i haven finish writin bout 2dae yt
still gt so much
2dae durin maths lesn,
yew noe nobody cares to listen
miee,hui ying nn yong hao was actin as the PAP,worker's party nn dher fan dui dang
i was dher fan dui dang;
hui ying was dher PAP;
yong hao was dher worker's party;
i was lyk invinsible to dhem
dhey kept arguing
nn i jus kept quite
was so funny
after tt,
i pretended tt fan dui dang was crashed
nn joined hui ying in PAP
so of course
i helped her in dher arguing
bt dhere wasn hu win nn hu lose cos ms shee stopped us
end of story
miee nn hui ying were lyk crazy
we acted as lesbians
she kept huggin mi nn
the worst thing is,
she grabbed my upper part of my body
i felt awkward
the problem lies wif tt she dosen even noe 'bout this till I TOLD HER!!!
i told HIM bout tis nn
HE was lyk
'how dare she'
chatted wif my eldest cousin over msn jus nw
i told him i wana c his stead
he said y not
i m so happy!!!!
tt might b my da sao nxt time ok
dun play play
he asked miee 'bout my studies nn i told him my
eng nn visual arts are terrible
he said he would help miee
tks so much
tts dher point of being dher eldest
i noe i dun noe hw 2 b the eldest bt
i always wanted to b lyk him
i noe i nvr would
u noe wad i m lyk
hern hui threw chiew yuan's water bottle cap down frm 4th story jus nw nn cme tcr,miss lee
made him pick up
bt he could nt find it
cos dher 1/6 form tcr picked it up...
so of course
he gt a really scary scoldin frm her
he made us sit outside the bms room as if dher whole class kena bms
2dae have art(which i hate)
mdm hariati came to dher class nn said our class look blank
cos najwan(he didn cum to skul fer 3 wks),xin liang nn summore
which i could nt remember didn cum to skul
its no wonder tt she felt blank
im so tired rite nw
nn u must have noticed tt my life is lyk drama...
lurb my darlings!!!


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