Thursday, April 19, 2007

just came back frm skul nn just read my cousin nn wuan ling's blog...
so envious of yew lor cousin
gt new laptop,new pencil case
gd lor
ni hao lor
i nth to sae lor
just nw the IT trainin was so funny
Hern Hui was singin 'qian li zhi wai' in such a wierd tone
cos tt you jun keep on playin tt song in compluter lab
dhen when ms tan asked to off the music,
you jun was lyk 'off leh off leh,hu is tt stupid one ar?'
everybody was laughin their heads off
was 30 mins late 4 e IT trainin anywae
i was slpin in the canteen as oral jus finished
i was the first wan to take oral
i m so nervous as my examiner is li lao shi
my chinese tcr
i was lyk so shy readin and had conversation wif her
dhen when the oral is over,
i jus stood up and told li lao shi
"lao shi ke yi zou le ar?"
dhen li lao shi look at miee lyk she was so diao
dhen i was lyk bu hao yi si
she said "ke yi ke yi"
i jus carried my bag and went to the canteen to w8 4 dher rest
my class dher mo qi is so gd
we didn plan to meet at the canteen at first
bt after dher oral,
the whole class jus went to dher canteen to gather
tts y 1/5 rawks!!!
saw annalisa and jasmine tis mornin when walkin to the bus stop
nn dhey were lyk "HI!!!"
i was so shock as it was so dark in dher morning nn
so sori!!!
2dae mornin p.e. was playin netball wif floorball,rugby nn another kind of malay
traditional ball...
made miee so exhausted
nn my breath jus went off after tt
tt mei liang xin de didn look at mi at all nn tis made mi so sad=(
i feel so uncomfortable wif him as he dosen want anybody to noe 'bout us
so i was lyk nvm lo
bt which girl dosen wana tell everybody tt dhey r in a relationship
nvm lo...
as long as hes happy,i dun mind
nth to write lerx...


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