Wednesday, December 27, 2006

hey people!!!
Did not do blogging for so long lor::
cauz my brother was sitting in front og the computer the moment i wake up
time goes so fast
today is already the 27 of december
although the holidays was so sianz...
but quite fun lor
this friday i m going to tampines mall with chen lao shi
and classmates there to watch movie
can't wait!!
these few days kept raining lor
the thing is i got into school that was in my
6th choice...
Coral sec
but its ok
went for sec one orientation yesterday at that school
so modern
and so new
4 and 5 of january have a orientation at school
sounds fun
i m going
raining again
stay at home and watch television lor
but surely kena scolding
I watch tv whole day already
so now i use com. lor
nothing much
i love u all!!!::

Thursday, December 14, 2006

miee again
just got to know about the wierdos blog..
and i am the wierdo #1 sia
anyway,i m still a little angry about them forgetting to tell miee
about this blog
but nevermind
suan le
let bygones be bygones
just doing blogging now coz now veri sian lor
going to practice Tennis with Lynn
tomorrow sia
so excited
sometimes,i m really wondering how Trisha write such a
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong post sia
i cannot do it lor
the thing is
i seem to be talking 'bout Tennis in every blog
try not to next time
but hor...
really nothing to write about mahhs...
hope u all don't blame miee
lurv the wierdos...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

heyys people!!!blogging again here..
here tuu tell some news
actually have Tennis training tomorrow
but cancelled due to some MALAYSIA TRIP of coach
he damn ma fan lor
actually sae Tennis training definitely on but then he sae fan person
but nevermind..
we have another trip 2moro
lucky sia
tomorrow go shopping lor
than i wana eat da can
next thurs get posting results sia
but went tagging in my friends blog
gave them all my best wishes...
oh ya!!!i 4got 2 tag in my cousin's blog
later go tag lor
she is in america now anyway
byes to all

Monday, December 11, 2006

Did not do blogging for a few days...
so today do lor!!!haha...
Anyway,yesterday was raining like siao and Tennis training was cancelled halfway
but than the rain stopped 5 minutes later...
fish n chips
mee sua
thats what my cousin taught miee:p
I am quite sure you all know what it means
nothing to do again today sia...
still considering whether to go Tennis training on thursday...
nothing much today...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

hay people!!!
blogging again
yesterday had another tennis camp from 9am-6pm
now got another muscle ache
i feel as if my bones are seperated sia
Anyway,I just changed another blogskin...
just hope that you all like it
Damn boring at home lor
nothing to do at all:(
spent most of my time watching tv today
than noticed it was already evening...
than came to computer to do some blogging
brother coming back from Shanghai tomorrow
NNs just heard that he was sick yesterday
How i wish i can go out everyday
but now muscle ache
want to go out also cannot
unless have wheelchair
just joking
if go out everyday,
than will be out of places to go someday
hope you people like my new blogskin!!!=)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Blogging again...
nothing to do at home sia...
waiting for posting results on 21 december...scary...but not as scary as results
don't know whether having Tennis tomorrow from 9am-12pm or 9am-6pm
confused by coach sia...
went to vivo city with Trisha last week and she could not go out with friends for 2 weeks...
so poor thing
and so sorry hor
iyo i wana change blogskin again
going to look for new blogskin...=)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Went to Chinatown yesterday...
saw 2 lesbian in the MRT...
disgusting...they were hugging
anyway,I had Tennis on wednesday 4 9 hours and had muscle ache the next day
had fun on that day and played bowling too
1)Tennis,9 to 12
2)bath,12 to 12.30
3)Lunch,12.30 to 1.30
4)bowling,1.30 to 3
5)tennis,3 to 6
Had all this with Chloe...others did not come
But looking at all this activities,obviously,I will have muscle ache
My brother coming back to Singapore at 7 december
and i just got to know that mrs ang mother passed away
so sad
may god bless her
just here,stop here,i mean,